
blocking other users

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  • #871872

    Lol, why would anyone want to block Melody? There’s even a button on the blog! :p

    Everyone’s okay as far as I can tell, but thanks for giving the option.
    I don’t think I have any grudges against me (If I do, I’m sorry. Clean slate?)… and I haven’t been on the New site for long, so I should be okay. :party:


      now it works! yey!

      4 things I'm looking for:
      1. Mother Meerkat
      2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF
      3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
      4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin

      Danzig Moon (Karen)

        :bigsmile: A W E S O M E 8) CLAY!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! :bigsmile:

        *** Always looking for Brindles..*** AWD Pieces **** Lavender Coiled Mother with Globe**** if you have one you would like to sell or trade please contact me ?

        Wampus Dragon

          GOOD now I dont have to see passive aggressive BS anymore. I can see only the posts of people who are worth my time (Which is everyone, except a couple hyenas in sheeps clothing).

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