blocking other users

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  • #504741
    Wampus Dragon

      PLEASE work on some sort of script that can be used to block/ignore other users forum posts and PMs. That was a really good part of the old forum. I know there was a thread about it in general but I wanted to officially make one here.


      I am new to the forum and so I am somewhat hesitant and unsure but I really hope that I have not done or said anything to anyone to offend.
      I know there are a lot of new/old users on here and it could be anyone that you are refering to but in my newness I can’t help but wonder if I have done something wrong. If that is the case I am sorry.

      Wampus Dragon

        You’ve done nothing wrong that I’ve seen Branzyboo.


          I don’t know who (if anyone) this request is targeted at, and honestly, I’m happier not knowing. 🙂 I’m guessing it’s a long standing issue, not anyone new, but I don’t read every thread and am not privy to others’ PMs, so I don’t know.

          I’m hoping there is a technological solution for blocking that can be put in place as needed. We’re all humans and sometimes people don’t get along. I would like it if the world were perfect and we could all put aside our differences and play nice without supervision, but we’re human and that won’t always happen. It’s probably better to allow those who have conflicts to choose not to interact with each other than to have public confrontations.

          We don’t currently have an active moderator to help with these situations and I would hate to see any of the Windstone staff forced to start playing that role instead of doing the jobs that allow them to continue to produce art.

          Hopefully a blocking function would allow for better self policing. If someone just pushes your buttons, you can block them to avoid future button pushing rather than leaving the forum.

          Wampus Dragon

            Hopefully a blocking function would allow for better self policing. If someone just pushes your buttons, you can block them to avoid future button pushing rather than leaving the forum.

            This is exactly why I want one and think we need one.


              When someone wrongs you, and lies to you its very frustrating to even see their posts. I agree, holding a grudge isn’t good, but sometimes one person’s personality isn’t compatible with someone else’s personality and one person can feel the other is obnoxious. Ignorance is bliss (My 10th grade geography teacher used to say “Ignorance is bliss…the purpose of this class is to make you less blissful” haha) I wouldn’t mind an ignore button.


                Awe WolfenMachine I will admit that I myself have not hung around here in the past because of negative things being said here. I choose to walk away.

                I guess this is not for everyone. I come here to pick up a piece that I need or sell some pieces. I make mistakes sometimes. I am human. I think?

                I just try not to get involved in sticky situations I pretty much have no problems with anyone here–Except you! HA! I joke. You are a great member.

                This is something I don’t like that goes on here. In a disagreement between members if one member gets angry at another member OMG there is a pile up of members ganging up on said member. What I am saying is there is two sides to every story. Myself I don’t take sides. Reason I was on the one being attacked here years and years ago when I wasn’t a member it was pretty aweful.
                The truth came out but I never forgot how I felt. Nuff said I am going to hide now. An yes my wish is for peace and harmony.



                You’ve done nothing wrong that I’ve seen Branzyboo.

                Thank You Wampus
                I try to be kind to everyone and treat others as I would like to be treated myself. I just enjoy having a place where I can maybe add to my collection, get to know a few people and share with people I might otherwise never get the chance to know.


                  I too hope I haven’t tread on anyone’s nerves.. I’ve sorta nose dived into the middle of this forum and have admittedly asked some n00b questions while trying to get my grips on how things work here and what some stuff means.

                  I have seen minor tussles between members, so I can imagine, just like any community, that people don’t always get along the best, and a block button could be useful..
                  I hope to never *need* to use it, but it would be good to have just in case..


                    You can now block unwanted PMs from specific users. When viewing a PM, you will see a “block author” button. I hope this helps; let me know if it doesn’t address the issue.

                    As for “blocking/ignoring other users forum posts”: Let me know how you feel this should work (or how it worked on the old forum) and I will look into it.


                    Wampus Dragon

                      On the old forum it was a ‘friend/foe’ system. If you listed a member as a ‘foe’ you could not see their posts on the forum and they could not send you PMs.


                        You can now “ignore” posts by authors of your choosing.

                        On your account page (click “my account” at the upper right of any page) you will see “Ignored Users” at the bottom of the page. Click the “View your ignored users” link and enter the username that you want to ignore.

                        Let me know if you have any questions.


                          not seeing it, not sure why but it’s not there for me…

                          4 things I'm looking for:
                          1. Mother Meerkat
                          2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                          3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                          4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                            It’s not showing up for me either.


                              The “Ignore User” button is showing up now. By the way, it (or something similar) also appears in the store, presumably so one can ignore comments on store items from a specific user?

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