Blanket spotted appaloosas

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      Please, please, please do more Blanket spotted appaloosas. squeek*I’d love it if they were LP, but I know they are probably too much work so more for ebay would be okay because hopefully one will stay within my reach. squeek*

      They are my absolute favorite of all horse colors (probably because I volunteered at a horse farm in high school and all the horses there were appaloosas…mostly blanket appaloosas). My favorite there was a miniature horse who was a silver-grey color with a blanket on his bum with darker grey spots on it and I think he had dark grey stockings as well (It’s been 14 years and I don’t have a picture of him 🙄 ). His name was Spotted Fever (Fever for short).

      My other favorite was the foal who was born during Spring Break my senior year. Somewhere I do have a picture of him and his mamma. He was a brown (?) blanket. So adorable. I’ll keep looking for those pictures. Fever might even be in the background of one of them.



        More blanket spotted appaloosas would be just wonderful! 😀 I’m partial to blacks, greys, and palomino appaloosas myself. squeek* squeek*

        (blanket spotted appaloosa Poads would be adorable too, don’t you think? *runs*)


          Yes Please! More blanket appies! I’m partial to dark bay 8)


            Mos def. He was HOT! A total fav.


              That blanket appy male was gorgeous alright. Melody did a wonderful job on his markings. I’ll throw in a squeak for more like him too. But I’d just be happy with some unicorns painted in any new color, that can be sold as LP or RP please. squeek*


                travistie wrote:

                But I’d just be happy with some unicorns painted in any new color, that can be sold as LP or RP please. squeek*

                I’ll second that! squeek*


                  Adaneth wrote:

                  More blanket spotted appaloosas would be just wonderful! 😀 I’m partial to blacks, greys, and palomino appaloosas myself. squeek* squeek*

                  (blanket spotted appaloosa Poad™s would be adorable too, don’t you think? *runs*)Palomino appaloosa??? I have never seen one of those! Do you have a pic?


                  Melody wrote:

                  Adaneth wrote:

                  More blanket spotted appaloosas would be just wonderful! 😀 I’m partial to blacks, greys, and palomino appaloosas myself. squeek* squeek*

                  (blanket spotted appaloosa Poad™™s would be adorable too, don’t you think? *runs*)Palomino appaloosa??? I have never seen one of those! Do you have a pic?

                  I’m having a hard time finding a picture that isn’t too washed out! The best photos are of model horses, not live ones! 😆
         Here’s a foal with a blanket.

         And a pony who got stolen 🙁

         Horse at the top here.


                    I love the white/grey leapard appys that haven’t gone up yet. The foal is on ebay right now but i’m waiting for that male 🙂 I’ll squeak for lp or production for appys. They are gorgeous squeek* squeek* squeek*


                      Here are some!

                      This first guy said palomino, but I’d bet he’s actually champagne. Still cool looking though!


                      Yeah, the eye coloring on that first one makes him seem champagne…still lovely! 🙂


                        To me it was the greyish skin…At first the mottling, but then I remembered that’s a typical appy trait. LOL.



                            I still like the white/grey ones best 🙂

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