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      Welcome back!! We missed you.


        Good to see you back BDW!! LOVES!!! And you too Laurie, even though I’ve seen you around =P


          Awwww thanks guys…girls.
          Laurie you have to come by more often. I know you are extremely busy with work and home but please try to come on at least once a week? :shrug:
          I had to cut down on some expenses and that included the long distance plan I had. Now I can’t call you guys anymore 😥
          The forum will be the only way to communicate with you guys.

          🙁 Things are very tight, but less stress did wonder to my mind and body!
          😀 I lost 30 pounds! I boy I needed to. The ones that really know me knows what I looked like. The picture I posted on the forum was of my former self not what I looked like in the pass years.
          I still need to lose another 30 pounds and I’ll look like the picture again or close to it. 😆
          I’m so much more relaxed since I’m on my own.
          Once I’m really settled in I’ll start my hobbies again and that includes painting Windstones! YAY! 🙂

          The seperation didn’t go very well and I lost big time….still bitter over it but trying to move on and letting go.
          Funny how two weeks after he found out that he wasn’t getting a big check from his income taxe for claiming us as dependent he kicks us out. My father was right…he wanted us there just for that. shame on me for being so blind and falling for it. 😳

          OK moving on 😆 😛
          I want my life to take a positive turn.


            You’ve got us! That’s a positive turn! …..I think….. 😈 hehehe


              Nirvanacat13 wrote:

              You’ve got us! That’s a positive turn! …..I think….. 😈 hehehe

              Of course! 8) Are you kiding me…without you guys I don’t think I would have made it!


                If you need to talk, just let me know! I can call you anytime. Don’t forget, I’m home on Mondays and Tuesdays.

                My long distance plan is awesome – in fact, if you have Internet access, it might be a great solution for you! I get something like 300-500 minutes all over North America.

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                  dragonmedley wrote:

                  If you need to talk, just let me know! I can call you anytime. Don’t forget, I’m home on Mondays and Tuesdays.

                  My long distance plan is awesome – in fact, if you have Internet access, it might be a great solution for you! I get something like 300-500 minutes all over North America.
                  wow sounds like a great plan! 🙂


                    I sent Laurie an email Thursday because I hadn’t heard from her in awhile and she replied saying she was so busy at the minute she hadn’t had time to get on the Forum but that she is doing find.

                    BDW sent me a PM today telling me about her new apartment, etc and she is doing much better than before she left her ex.


                      See, We’re all doing fine at the moment. XD XD 8) 😉


                        LAURIE! 😀 So nice to hear from you! 😀


                          I love you too babycakes!! 😉

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