Hey – has anyone heard from Natalie lately? I know she and Michel moved in with her mum and she’s been trying to find a place for them… She hasn’t responded to any pm’s or emails and I haven’t got her mum’s phone number… Just worried and worrying about her and hoping all is well…
I keep hoping she’ll pop in again to say hi, too. She did, not to long ago, and mentioned her internet wasn’t working right, or was slow, or somesuch. She’s probably still really busy.
🙂 thank peg and lamorte, I’m back for good but slow speed again.
I’m still unpacking boxes so I’ll still be busy but will take some time for the forum.
I missed you guys so much! 😥
I still have lots of boxes at my mother’s and will get them in gradualy. After all I have to be able to move around in the new place and I do have to much stuff. Part of my collection will have to go 🙁
I couldn’t even put my bed or the armoire for my clothes in the bedroom…way to small, so it will be my studio instaid. I’ll eventualy make a video of the new place so I can let you guys in my world. 😈
I’m glad you had a few minutes! I was wondering about you too. It’s good to know you’re doing ok. 🙂
Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.
Thanks Sarah! 🙂
I went over to mom’s today to get some of my Windstone collection and country artists collection….I’m now aranging them in the display cabinets…god I have alot of sh..! 😀 😉
:shrug: Ok now I’m worried about Laurie. I haven’t herd from her in a while…any news? Anybody?
Beckie, I called you a few times did you not get my messages? 😕
Last time I talked to Laurie was last Sunday. Her husband went to visit his brother and was coming home the next day. I’ve emailed her but haven’t heard anything which is okay because she told me once that she may be too busy to answer. I know she’s working and can put in overtime hours. She works in a dog saloon and it is really hard on her physically. So as far as I know, she is fine.