
Black & White Tobiano Unicorn finished!!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Black & White Tobiano Unicorn finished!!

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      πŸ˜† No worries! We’ve got time! πŸ˜€

      Quill wrote:

      PM’ed ya!


      Odd… I don’t have a PM showing up… 😯


        Ohh, those are both lovely! I think I may need to start collecting unis now. πŸ™„

        While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


          Keplilly wrote:

          Ohh, those are both lovely! I think I may need to start collecting unis now. πŸ™„

          πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

          Hence my post… “Desperate for PYO Unicorns!” I have too many ideas… and no money at the moment! GAH!!!


            Those are beautiful! πŸ˜€


            The unicorn is stunning πŸ™‚ I love her face, and I thought the horn was purposefully painted too (and liked it).


            the kirin is so delecate looking. it is beautiful!


              Thanks guys!

              My friend that I did the Ki-Rin for nearly flipped when she saw the pictures! It’s such a good feeling to paint something for someone… and then have the just adore it! πŸ˜€ Makes me feel really good!!!

              As for the Unicorn… she’s finished… I just need to take the masking fluid off of her and get some pics… I’m rather proud of her actually! πŸ˜€


                Nice work, LadyBrooklyn! The unicorn is beautiful, and I love that horn, since it actually looks like horn!
                The kirin’s face is very pretty. The only thing that bugs me on it are the scales. I think they’d look better without the white stripe on the base – but that’s just me.


                  Finished pics! Check her out guys!

                  I’m open to offers on her… or she’ll end up on ebay later this week!

                  If I didn’t need $$ so bad… she’d be staying with me! πŸ˜€ I REALLY like how her pattern turned out! 😈


                  Really cool!

                  Both look really great, but the paint is really awesome.



                    I think she’s beautiful. I hope you get a lot for her. You should probably Ebay her on auction and get as much as you can for her.


                    Oh man, I want her so bad… I don’t think I can afford her though =(

                    Good luck… I hope she brings you a lot!


                    the unicorn has a really sweet face. i hope you get a lot for her and i hope she goes to a good home.


                      Thanks guys!

                      I think I might put her up for offers in the Flea Market first… I’m just so very hard put to place a value on my PYOs… no idea why… I price my model horses all of the time! ~LOL~

                      I can’t wait to actually KEEP one! πŸ˜€


                      I REALLY like the tobiano unicorn- I’ll have to try that!

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