Black Violet Peacock Lap dragon in stock! 5/20/08

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Black Violet Peacock Lap dragon in stock! 5/20/08

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      You may now order the Lap Dragons in Black violet Peacock. They are on the main page of the store.



        Thanks, Susie! I had gotten off the computer about 7 (my time) and something told me to double check later and lo and behold the laps were in the store. Yay!


        As usual, I am not buying but am enjoying watching them fly out of the store! 😀


        I saw this and thought I was seeing things. 🙄
        Did nobody notice? When I just looked, I think there were 5 still left. How’d that happen?? 😯


        I see 6? 😯


          I see 6 as well.


          Still six left. I’m still surprised at how similar the coloration of BEP and BVP is on the laps.


          Oh, phew! They just HAD to wait until right after I went to bed, didn’t they?! 😆 Didn’t occur to me to check again at 5:30 am, either.

          Happy now, though! Got one for myself and one for nightcrow. 😀


            Yayyyyyyyyyy! I got the last one!!!

            While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


            im glad you all bought them all so I wont be tempted 🙂

            Grats to all who snagged the new laps!


              Phooey, I missed them. 🙁


              Skigod has extras if you want one, wolflodge. 🙂


                I think Ski just has extra pink laps…I could be wrong…


                Ah, you’re right! Sorry wolflodge! I am reading the forums too quickly and getting confused. 😳 Time to drink a Jamba and take a break. 🙂

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