
Black sunset griffin

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      Ok. Got a pic up in my gallery. He looks a little washed out because the photo was very dark and I had to lighten it in photoshop.


        And he has red eyes! Pam will be happy. πŸ˜€
        He’s really pretty. I thought I was only going to get one griffin family, but it looks like I’ll have to make room for two. πŸ˜›


          Thank you Melody! I can’t wait to see the whole family in this color!


            I’m going to love the chicks in that color. πŸ˜€



              *takes deep breath*

              He looks a lot like the regular black griffin, and the purple on his beak looks a little out of place for some reason, but… RED EYES! *dies again*

              I can’t wait to see the final version, esp on the female!
              Can I make a sugestion? Maybe make his whole back end more of a bronze/brown color, and maybe add some bronze hilights to the feathers, something to set him apart a little from the other black griffon. I’m thinking something like the “bronze sunset” test paint you posted once. How hard was that one to paint? If I remember correctly, it was one of the top faves. I loved the golden eagle look it had. But whatever you do, you can’t go wrong with the red eyes. *sends Mel a hug for the red eyes*


                Um… so… when are they coming out again? πŸ˜€ I know, I know… you need a cat to get all these squeaking mice!

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I am so looking forward to buying that male!


                    πŸ˜• He’s nice, but he doesn’t thrill me. I like the old black griffin better. It’s interesting that you did color on the throat rather than the top of the head. I’d have to see how the color looks on the rest of the family to decide if I wanted them rather than the family to match the older one.


                      Ooh, I know that’s just a test paint, but he’s pretty! I love that there’s more color on his wings and extra color on the throat. I don’t care for the gold-tipped hind feet, but I don’t think I’d like them white like the other griff. It’s nice to have a touch of color down there though.

                      I’m definitely going to get the male and the sitting chick (all the sitting poses are my faves), but I’m sure the female and other chick will be lovely too. I really like the griffs, but I haven’t decided if I truly want all the mamas and crouching chicks or if I’m okay just having them in pearl. It probably depends how many things are going to be out at once (how big the flood gets) πŸ˜• I can buy some Wellies, but I can’t afford a boat.


                      i do like the black sunset. i agree on the feet, they shouldnt be gold.

                      you can always do what i plan on doing: buying a different color for each pose. of course, there may be repeats, i think there will be more than 4 colors at this rate. πŸ˜€


                        …what Pam said! πŸ˜€ LOVE the red eyes, on this griffin, and in general on your other dragons πŸ™‚

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