Black "Rescue" PYO's

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    Jennifer wrote:

    Back when I very started working on PYOs to write the tutorial, before they were ever for sale, Melody sent me a bunch of black base coated pieces.
    Try painting on them with interference colors.
    It’s amazing what a difference it makes!

    This is also cheaper then the pearl-ex powders… but you get less choice of colors…. 😀


    Dragon87 wrote:

    Jennifer wrote:

    Back when I very started working on PYOs to write the tutorial, before they were ever for sale, Melody sent me a bunch of black base coated pieces.
    Try painting on them with interference colors.
    It’s amazing what a difference it makes!

    This is also cheaper then the pearl-ex powders… but you get less choice of colors…. 😀

    Not necessarily…I mix alot of interference colors together and then blend them into my paints for my metallics. Also, regular old silver mixed into a cool colored flat paint can make a rather marvelous metallic paint! 😀


    WindstoneCollector wrote:

    Dragon87 wrote:

    Jennifer wrote:

    Back when I very started working on PYOs to write the tutorial, before they were ever for sale, Melody sent me a bunch of black base coated pieces.
    Try painting on them with interference colors.
    It’s amazing what a difference it makes!

    This is also cheaper then the pearl-ex powders… but you get less choice of colors…. 😀

    Not necessarily…I mix alot of interference colors together and then blend them into my paints for my metallics. Also, regular old silver mixed into a cool colored flat paint can make a rather marvelous metallic paint! 😀

    Ah hah……… I so look forward to painting him…. 😀 *happy dance* I just wish I could keep him when I’m done… 🙁


    Dragon87 wrote:

    Ah hah……… I so look forward to painting him…. 😀 *happy dance* I just wish I could keep him when I’m done… 🙁

    Why wouldn’t you be able to keep him?


    xcrowell wrote:

    Dragon87 wrote:

    Ah hah……… I so look forward to painting him…. 😀 *happy dance* I just wish I could keep him when I’m done… 🙁

    Why wouldn’t you be able to keep him?

    I can’t afford to buy him and just keep him. I’m gonna try and sell to offset my costs. I prefer painting them to keeping them anyway – and it makes me sooo happy to see my artwork in other people’s homes! Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

    Although, with my first keeper ever, I just wanna keep him. Who knows, I may never see one of them again. They’re always gonna be in high demand. 🙄


      I have an idea for the rescue keeper I got, but I’ll probably screw it up sooooooo…I’m gonna commission mine out to someone who knows what they’re doing. I have artistic vision–I just don’t have the talent. If and I do mean if, I ever get my paws on another keeper, I’ll trying painting it and keeping it for myself–the griff pyo still intimidates me so it will be a while. I’ll wait. 😀


      LadyFirebird wrote:

      I have an idea for the rescue keeper I got, but I’ll probably screw it up sooooooo…I’m gonna commission mine out to someone who knows what they’re doing. I have artistic vision–I just don’t have the talent. If and I do mean if, I ever get my paws on another keeper, I’ll trying painting it and keeping it for myself–the griff pyo still intimidates me so it will be a while. I’ll wait. 😀

      Awww! I’m scared of the PYO Unicorn I bought, so don’t feel bad! 😳


        I’m more than confident that you’ll paint an outstanding Unicorn, WC 😉 .
        The unicorns are not my favorite critter. But I have to say I love painting them. They’re kinda like a blank, smooth canvas to me. I love painting patterns, and the unicorns smooth bodies makes that easier than on a scaly or feathery critter.


          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          Awww! I’m scared of the PYO Unicorn I bought, so don’t feel bad! 😳

          Just think of the unicorn like a griffin bottom and you should do fine. They are actually very similar.


          I agree with PT… they’re so smooth! You can do smooth lines on them, or intricate patterns… without rough fur or feathers or scales to muss it all up….

          You’ll do fine. And hey, if you don’t, then you can clean it up and start over and over until you get a good one!!! 😆

          purpleturtle wrote:

          I’m more than confident that you’ll paint an outstanding Unicorn, WC 😉 .
          The unicorns are not my favorite critter. But I have to say I love painting them. They’re kinda like a blank, smooth canvas to me. I love painting patterns, and the unicorns smooth bodies makes that easier than on a scaly or feathery critter.


            Well, don’t have pictures of it yet, but I did start to paint one of the pyo small dragons. I just used the ‘Spring Green’ Pearl-Ex powder and WOW! It looks like a deep forest metallic green. Cool! Now for shading and accents–he has orange eyes. Always wanted a green dragon with orange eyes.


            purpleturtle wrote:

            I’m more than confident that you’ll paint an outstanding Unicorn, WC 😉 .
            The unicorns are not my favorite critter. But I have to say I love painting them. They’re kinda like a blank, smooth canvas to me. I love painting patterns, and the unicorns smooth bodies makes that easier than on a scaly or feathery critter.

            Yeah, but you do such marvelous patterning on your Griffins. I made scott look at all of them in your gallery last night…He liked Rajah too. 😆 I just noticed the unicorn you painted Tiger-like too. I am not sure how I missed him. I love the way you did the stripes on that Unicorn and on Rajah. Very realistic! 😀
            (One of those orange beauties would look perfect next to my White Tiger Griff from Serenity!!! 😉 *nudge nudge…twitch twitch* 😮 Sorry, goofy for some reason tonight. 😳 )


              WindstoneCollector wrote:

              Dragon87 wrote:

              Jennifer wrote:

              Back when I very started working on PYOs to write the tutorial, before they were ever for sale, Melody sent me a bunch of black base coated pieces.
              Try painting on them with interference colors.
              It’s amazing what a difference it makes!

              This is also cheaper then the pearl-ex powders… but you get less choice of colors…. 😀

              Not necessarily…I mix alot of interference colors together and then blend them into my paints for my metallics. Also, regular old silver mixed into a cool colored flat paint can make a rather marvelous metallic paint! 😀

              I got the new CT interference paints.. and they are really cool.. they have two colors together.. but they look like different colors from different angles and with different colors underneath.. they’ll look amazing on black.. but I have to wait to get some more PYO’s..


              frozendragon wrote:

              I got the new CT interference paints.. and they are really cool.. they have two colors together.. but they look like different colors from different angles and with different colors underneath.. they’ll look amazing on black.. but I have to wait to get some more PYO’s..

              CT Interference eh……….. *goes to look it up*

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