Black Griffins

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    starbreeze wrote:

    Poor Susie!! I hope she doesn’t get a bunch of phone calls now!!!! 😆

    I love mine plus she sent me a fuzzy! So I can deal with a shiney female and chicks…

    The male can play like Hugh Heffner and be the old Geezer with some pretty new women and chicks…hehehehe


      keschete wrote:

      starbreeze wrote:

      Poor Susie!! I hope she doesn’t get a bunch of phone calls now!!!! 😆

      I love mine plus she sent me a fuzzy! So I can deal with a shiney female and chicks…

      The male can play like Hugh Heffner and be the old Geezer with some pretty new women and chicks…hehehehe

      That is soooo funny…I was thinking the exact same thing Keschete.
      I actually think that it’s pretty cool that the Male is not as shiney as the female cause the female looks all dolled up for the male that way.
      I can’t wait to get my black griffins….they are on their way…I’m so excited 😆



      w00h00!!! My momma and croucher are on their way!! Oh I can’t wait! 😀
      *feels like a kid at Christmas*


        OOooh, congrats!! They are beautiful! 😀


          I’m not a fan of the black gryphons color scheme myself, but I do think they make a beautiful family. The difference in clear coating would drive me nuts, though 😆


            Lokie wrote:

            I’m not a fan of the black gryphons color scheme myself, but I do think they make a beautiful family. The difference in clear coating would drive me nuts, though 😆

            see….I’m glad I’m not the only one….LOL


            Pretty families, keschete!


              Yes, very pretty families: -)


              Aw yay, i ordered a black Griffin standing chick! finially! 😀


                OK….got my light beaked female…and took a pic of her and the dark tipped one…you can see the difference in the paint…the light tip matches my male a lot better so I’m all happy….I got a pic of the whole family…..and then got a pic with them on their shelf… 😀


                  WOW! What a difference!!!


                    Yes, big difference. They look lovely together on their shelf. 😀


                      yeah…I was like….wow they are different…

                      and they do look good on the shelf with the black flap cats…and peacock orbs… 😀


                        I like the dark tipped beak female best myself.. 🙂


                        frozendragon wrote:

                        This picture is really tempting me to order a momma black griffin… she’s so pretty!

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