
Black Golds by the Dozen and….

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    …a Secret Keeper circle.

    The BGs are the only dragons I have the whole family in. Or I think I do – they didn’t come out in any of the hatching or spectal forms did they? Anyway:

    The art on the wall is one of Hudson River Inlay’s Windows on the World, in case anyone is curious.

    And a SK circle (disclaimer: I am NOT a photographer! 😉 )



      How beautiful they all look!! I love the wall art, too…how about a full picture of it?


        All I can say is WOW!!! 😯 They’re beautiful!!! 😀


        omg wow… *drools*


          Was the OW a custom paint, or was he one of the few offered on ebay? His colors look a bit different. Either way, it’s envy XD I want an OW so bad… but I only like the BG and Peacock colorations.

          How big is the OW compared to the lap? Would it be too much trouble to ask for a photo of the two right next to each other? So I could see the size?


            I love that OW! They have to come out in regular production soon! They all looks so nice together. I can’t think of any one you’re missing, so I think you’re right. You have them all.


              Wow! I am so envious of your SK circle! 😯


              Thanks! I’ll try to get pictures of the wall art and the OW and lap together when it is light out – it’s too dark right now. The OW is one of the ones that was auctioned off on ebay. One of these days I need to get an OW circle picture…it’s on the list but the list is loooongg…


                Wow thats awesome. 3 SKs :shock:. I wish 🙂


                I am dying here for the Black and Gold OW and the Black Emp Pea Secret Keeper!!!! Simply perfection.

                The print behind me made me think of Watership Down..though that may date me…I loved Watership Down.


                  keschete wrote:

                  I am dying here for the Black and Gold OW and the Black Emp Pea Secret Keeper!!!! Simply perfection.

                  The print behind me made me think of Watership Down..though that may date me…I loved Watership Down.

                  The print also reminded me of Watership. I love how the movie is “for kids” but it has blood and bunnies ripping each other’s throats out 😆 Good movie. Have you seen Plague Dogs? It’s by the same guy.


                  Kujacker wrote:

                  keschete wrote:

                  I am dying here for the Black and Gold OW and the Black Emp Pea Secret Keeper!!!! Simply perfection.

                  The print behind me made me think of Watership Down..though that may date me…I loved Watership Down.

                  The print also reminded me of Watership. I love how the movie is “for kids” but it has blood and bunnies ripping each other’s throats out 😆 Good movie. Have you seen Plague Dogs? It’s by the same guy.

                  I haven’t seen the movie, but I did read the book. I felt it was depressing, where I believe Watership Down was a more happy ending.

                  Not to be a thread hijacker, but there is a book called Duncton Wood about Moles that is alot like Watership Down..different author.


                  *drools all over keyboard*
                  Anyone got a drool rag? 🙂


                  Does Windstone offer a bib in the Cafe Press store? Hehehe, If not we should!

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