Black Gold Old Warriors are now in the store (4/25/08)

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Black Gold Old Warriors are now in the store (4/25/08)

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        We now have Black Gold Old Warrior dragons in our store. These are regular production items, they are also available through your local Windstone Dealer, however they are brand new and your local store probably doesn’t know we have them yet! If you ask your local dealer for one, please let them know that it’s new and you heard about them from us.

        Note: The small quantity in stock in the store does not reflect the total quantity we have in stock, we have more (at least we have more right now, April 25th 2008!).


        Man! No pic….I wanted to see what he looked like.


          there’s a black gold ow pic in the ebay gallery,

          it’s the closest we’ve got….


          I am so, so happy that these are regular production! 😀 I want one, definitely (especially after seeing wolflodge’s photos) but it’s good to know that I don’t have to make that financial leap right this minute. I just bought a Rainbow OW (he arrived today; utterly gorgeous) and need to keep an eye out for the Silver OW when he appears. 🙂 It’s good to know that I can wait a little and save up for the BG OW.


          So what exactly, besides the sculpt, is the difference between the production and LE black gold OWs? Did the coloration get changed at all?


            I think the LE black gold old warriors were prototypes.


            Yeah – there are a few small sculptural differences. I’m just wondering whether they changed the coloring at all?


              Mine is on the way


              Mine too. (Yay, more customs fees. 😕 )

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