
Black Gold Male Anyone?

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Black Gold Male Anyone?

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    Is anyone looking for a Black Gold Male? I have a friend who is thinking about selling. She wants $200 plus $20 shipping for him.


    Wampus Dragon

      She’s not likely to get that much for a male dragon thats still in production. They may be out of stock right now, but it wont be long before theres more. A production male dragon is 132.00 right now. (:


      I am posting for her and that is the price she wants. Supply/demand maybe somebody has to have it now. I guess that’s the price she’s willing to get rid of it for. She is an elderly woman who is downsizing a pretty extensive collection for assisted living. I have sold one of her pieces to a forum member who plans on buying more as we get her sorted, packed, and moved. Anything that I don’t want to buy I am first offering to that member and then to anyone else who may be interested.

      Have a great afternoon!

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