
Black bat winged flap cat for sale

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    SPark wrote:

    skigod377 wrote:

    That is awful! How would they know your password? For Paypal, you have to put it in every time you go there. You should be able to trust family and friends… and neighbors… but I guess there are all kinds out there.

    A lot of people have their computer remember passwords for them. It’s easier, and it’s secure so long as your computer is secure… I have firefox remember all my non-essential passwords, like the one to this forum, but I remember the ones for my bank, paypal, and ebay myself!

    I have to get past three passwords just to get onto my start screen. Firefox remembers my passwords but they’re all protected by a master password that only I know.


      Thats what I was wondering. A program to enter all your passwords would be scary. What if someone hacked your computer? That would suck.


      Well, I’m not saying that there aren’t any people out there that could hack into your computer. (I do know a few that could.) The probability of it happening to you is small. It’s my fault for letting a so called friend use my computer while I was at work. I’m such a sucker for a good sob story. I need to practise “NO”. No you can’t use my computer. No I will not let you in my appartment while I’m not here. Well, I hope he’s satisfied I’ll never trust anybody with my computer again. He addmitted he did it so he’ll be paying me back along with the $800 minimum payment due by the 18th. It started out as a joke. I guess he didn’t mean any harm. I’ll still have to cash the GIC to pay down the card. I had a large ballance on it anyways.

      SPark, I know you weren’t calling me careless. Or whatever. I’m sorry for semi snapping. I think the tone of my response was taken wrong. That happens when I’m all upset about something. I’m sorry, really I am.


        Wow, I am so glad he fessed up and is gonna pay you back, but still, what a jerk for doing it in the first place. And if it was a joke, it was a poor one and he should have mentioned it before you brought it to his attention. I think he was just trying to get some free stuff… I dont think it was a joke at all. Im think he is just a criminal. He certainly would not be welcome in my house anymore. 😕


        skigod377 wrote:

        Thats what I was wondering. A program to enter all your passwords would be scary. What if someone hacked your computer? That would suck.

        They’d have to get around a hardware firewall and several security programs, not to mention passwords that have been graded top-notch by test programs. Possible, admittedly, but not probable. I don’t really worry about it, especially since my computer’s only on when I’m using it. I don’t leave it running.

        Emerald, I’m glad the *bleep* fessed up. If it were me I’d be furious – after he made the payment.


          It’s RomeoDanny, not me. 🙂


          😳 My mind was absent. Again. SORRY! I meant Romeo.


          I would say that is a very poor joke to play on someone. It causes all sorts of trouble…not to mention if you didn’t have the money to pay for it, it could mess up your credit as well. I hope you file charges after he pays you for it.

          And I know the reason why I would get emerald and Romeo confused is because of their Avatar is simular. hehe


          😆 Thanks for making an excuse for me, dragoness.


          lol… Your welcome. Actually I was thinking that before you got them mixed up.


            We both have cats that sit in windows together. Hers are both boys and mine are both girls. The grey kitty photo I had before was not my cat, so I thought I should change it and show off my babies. This was the best one I had. Sorry if it’s confusing. I’ll see if I can find another if it’s a problem… and maybe I will anyway. It’s fun to switch things around sometimes.


            emerald212 wrote:

            We both have cats that sit in windows together. Hers are both boys and mine are both girls. The grey kitty photo I had before was not my cat, so I thought I should change it and show off my babies. This was the best one I had. Sorry if it’s confusing. I’ll see if I can find another if it’s a problem… and maybe I will anyway. It’s fun to switch things around sometimes.

            Eh, it really isn’t a problem unless you guys don’t like being mixed up. We just have to be more careful and read who is typing what. hehe


            emerald212 wrote:

            We both have cats that sit in windows together. Hers are both boys and mine are both girls. The grey kitty photo I had before was not my cat, so I thought I should change it and show off my babies. This was the best one I had. Sorry if it’s confusing. I’ll see if I can find another if it’s a problem… and maybe I will anyway. It’s fun to switch things around sometimes.

            Don’t worry about it, emerald. This is the first time I’ve confused you too and I’ll try not to let it happen again 😆

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