Black and Tans

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    Having seen them, when Nirvana and I went up to the factory… They ;ook beautiful in person.


    Every Windstone is beautiful in person except the cats.

    *runs for cover*


      Hey! The cats are beautiful too!

      Just look at them there with their babies!

      Geesh! I need to take an updated photo…


        Question; Are the large flapcats available out there somewhere cause I’ve not seen them before and I think I’m in love with them.


          Um. They’re retired, but they pop up on Ebay sometimes. They can get pricey though. I paid $200 each for mine.


            We need to talk Melody into doing another production run of them!!!!!!Maybe calico!Or grey tabby!Or pearl with purple wings!!!!!!!!!!(gasp!)


              purplecat wrote:

              We need to talk Melody into doing another production run of them!!!!!!Maybe calico!Or grey tabby!Or pearl with purple wings!!!!!!!!!!(gasp!)

              She’s doing some limited edition calicos. See the Gallery photos. They’re gorgeous. We’re thinking they’ll be on Ebay this week.


                dragonessjade wrote:

                Every Windstone is beautiful in person except the cats.

                *runs for cover*
                And what is WRONG with cats???


                  Oooooh, had to go back and look, didn’t know they were the large ones cause they have their eyes closed. I wonder if Melody would ever consider a dark purple tabby with stripy wings? Or maybe just one like the spotted winged bat-flap cat in the ebay gallery. I loved his wings although I am partial to siamese and stripy kitties.


                  Nothing is wrong with cats. I have had a small bird flap one and I didn’t like it. The only reason I own the emerald cat wizard is because it is emerald. Maybe if I see the bigger flap cats in person I might change my mind.


                    the large Calico’s going on e-bay soon are beautiful!! I got the see Melody paint them when I was down there


                    Are you getting one, DM?


                      I would LOVE to if I could afford one but I’m BROKE right now and it does not look like rain any time soon for some OT. My youngest cat is a Calico too


                      Well, Melody mentioned that there are a total of 18 so far, and they haven’t even started listing them yet, so you probably still have at least 5 months to find some money… 🙂


                        purplecat wrote:

                        Oooooh, had to go back and look, didn’t know they were the large ones cause they have their eyes closed. I wonder if Melody would ever consider a dark purple tabby with stripy wings? Or maybe just one like the spotted winged bat-flap cat in the ebay gallery. I loved his wings although I am partial to siamese and stripy kitties.

                        Melody said she was working on a PYO flap cat, so you could always get one and paint it purple.

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