Black and Tans

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    I adore your black and tan dragons, but was never crazy about the mother/father/and hatchlings you have them painted in. Would you ever paint fledglings in that color?



      Ooo. More fledglings in any color is something I could go for!


      Yup yup! 8)


        we are all going to end up with a HUGE army of fledgies!!


          That’s okay! The more the merrier, or something. I already have nine fledgelings, but I certainly wouldn’t mind getting more.


            SPark wrote:

            That’s okay! The more the merrier, or something. I already have nine fledgelings, but I certainly wouldn’t mind getting more.

            I have all 9 also and I have to say they have really grown on me!!


            I don’t have one yet…been waiting for the ideal color…mainly the black and tan since I couldn
            ‘t possibly afford the silver one.


              Watergazer wrote:

              I don’t have one yet…been waiting for the ideal color…mainly the black and tan since I couldn
              ‘t possibly afford the silver one.

              Can’t afford what, a Fledgie??


                Why would a silver fledge be more than a black and tan? *puzzled* The special color fledges have all been $100, just the same…


                Were they? I wasn’t aware that’s how much they were for. I know they got posted on-line on ebay but I was too late on the boards to catch any…do they still have some available? I am almost always too late…I just figured they were higher priced and limited edition signed things like the Old Warriors in silver.


                They haven’t had any fledglings in silver yet, if that’s what you were asking. Also, I think Spark’s comment was assuming that any silver fledglings would also be limited production (instead of limited edition), like all of the special color fledglings that have been released to far.


                Maybe I’m getting confused with gold then? Did they produce gold fledgelings?


                Yes, they had gold fledglings and those are on the direct sales page.


                  They’ve done gold, green, and brown. They were each $100. All the fuss over the greens wasn’t because of the price, really, it’s just because there were only so many in a batch. But you can still buy the gold and brown, as mimi said they’re on the sales page.

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