Bird-Winged siamese or emerald coild mother dragon

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Bird-Winged siamese or emerald coild mother dragon

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  • #490222


    I have to beat a dead horse…I just had to :p

    I am looking for an Emerald coiled mother dragon for less than $175 and a bird-winged siamese flat cat. Lemme know if any of you want to part with yours. I can trade PYOs or give cash.


    Emerald has a bird siamese flap cat.


      dragonessjade wrote:

      Emerald has a bird siamese flap cat.

      Nope. It’s a bat wing siamese flap cat. 🙂


      Oh, woops. Trying to catch up on posts.


      I just wonder what shipping costs would be?


        Jumped all over that. Thanks!

        Oops. That was for Cheryl. Sorry, Cheryl. 😳


        yep, a benevolent individual sent me the link already.


        Thats the lady who i brought my Ruby Lap from and i realllllllllllllly want that mother since its in the UK.

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