Well, this is whats gonna happen… I just bought a ticket for my mother to come back to Germany. She will watch my son for me like she used to, that way I can concentrate on work. It may be for a year or 3, or 6. Who knows. (Be looking for a sale in the flea market to pay for this ticket 🙄 😆 ) Its paid for, though, and she comes back next week. Hopefully, they will let me make her my dependent again, and command sponser her, though, due to our previous trickery, she still has a ID card 🙄 . I hope it works out well. The only prob I ever had with her is that she is a dirty/messy person. we shall see if we can keep that under control. I will stay in the Army, take my bad review, get past it and get promoted eventually. I am also going to change my degree plan to fit something I want to do when I get out. I am also going to take leave and volunteer at the vets around here, too, if they allow it. That will help me when I get out.