The “October” Windstone Raffle has been announced! Quoting from the email here for anyone who missed it:
This male griffin had a badly chipped claw, so he was sitting on our ‘rescue’ cart. He is all fixed and beautiful now and looking for a good home!
He is basic black with glistening feathers of red and gold color shift paint. The decorative blue spots on his feathers match his light blue glass eyes and jewels. He is signed by Melody Pena.
If you are interested in a chance to win this Male Griffin, click this link to send me an email to my NEW raffle email address: with ‘October 2022 Raffle’ in the Subject line, and in the body of the email, your real name and address and your Windstone Editions registered website user name (i.e. the name you use in your forum posts like WindstoneFan309).
Once I receive your email, you should receive a response confirming that it arrived.
The deadline for entering this raffle is 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time, Nov 6th, 2022 – Please send your email before that time! Late entries may not be considered. … One entry per person. …