Been here a while, finally posting!

Home Forums Miscellany Introductory and Welcoming Area Been here a while, finally posting!

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    I joined about a month ago after seeing the grab bag posts on Facebook (those look fun, and I hope I can participate in one someday). I remember seeing Windstone dragons at a shop in the mall when I was younger, but got my first one recently (a BVP mother dragon).

    I find the muses to be fascinating. They were out of stock when I joined, so I was even looking to see if anyone had one they had painted they wanted to sell. I didn’t have any luck with that, but it seems fitting that people are attached to their muses. It makes me happy to image what a giant muse sculpt would be like (if only!). Fortunately, since the PYO muses are available again, I have gotten to paint one and now am the proud custodian of my very own muse. I added 3mm moonstone, amethyst, and garnet gems, one of each.


    I do some abstract landscape and animal/bird paintings when I have the time. My other favorite hobby is taking care of a flock of pet chickens. I currently work a night shift so that they can play outside during the day, although they have been in their covered run for the winter. My sister also trains sheep herding dogs, and we live on a small farm where I can have my chickens and she can have sheep.



      Hi Susan! Love the colors on your muse.

      Your hobbies sound fun- you should add a flock of PYO chickens!
      I used to work livestock with my Doomer-dog. It’s amazing what they can do.


        Welcome – your muse is very pretty. 🙂


          Gorgeous muse!


            Your Muse is very lovely.


              Yay! Another person who likes Muses! I’ve painted four Muses and have two more blank Muses to paint in the future. ^_^

              Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
              Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

              *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
              *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


              Aww, thanks everyone! The muses really are so much fun. I have an orange/red eyed one to paint, though I want to ponder colors to use more before working on another one. I’m also working on a PYO Phoenix.


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