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    Man O man. I hope they don’t sell out fast. I really need to get other rainbow peices as well.

    Orange Dragon Egg

    Green Dragon Egg


      I’d kill for a rainbow ow… I don’t have an OW yet, and I think the rainbow color would look great on him.

      I don’t even have enough money for a small flap cat, let alone a LP OW! 🙁 Oh well, such is life I suppose.


      OMG I want both… :(((
      Must find a way to get some money! I don’t have an OW yet and i LOVE rainbow! I am now torn between the scratching and the OW 😛

      Ohh and I need to figure out a way that my hubby wouldn’t notice my windstone purchases 😛 He thinks im totally addicted… hello! I AM!


        dkomenda wrote:

        OMG I want both… :(((
        Must find a way to get some money! I don’t have an OW yet and i LOVE rainbow! I am now torn between the scratching and the OW 😛

        Ohh and I need to figure out a way that my hubby wouldn’t notice my windstone purchases 😛 He thinks im totally addicted… hello! I AM!

        I NEED a rainbow OW too! It’s just so hard for me to save the money for him… when there is other cool stuff coming out.

        Hey, you live in Suwanee, GA. So do I!


        I’m curious to see the OW in Rainbow. Who knows? He might look fantastic! 🙂


        Well, this just goes to prove how unpredictable the factory can be. The rainbow old warriors are probably going to be finished first. Still probably a week out from hitting the store, but they are moving along.

        This is important for you collectors to know –

        If you want one, when they go up you’d better grab one, because after this last round of limited production stuff, it is going to be a while before we can make more (or even if we make more).

        -Zorse, making one more post at work before heading off to dinner. (Chinese food! Yaaaaaaay!)


          mmm chinese food, sounds good!


          Awesome news, DZ. I’ll be stalking the store with credit card in hand! Thanks for giving us a heads-up.


            OMG if the OW’s go up, maybe someone could grab me one? So far it seems the more pricey stuff doesn’t just FLY out of the store like the curlies, but I NEEED a Rainbow OW 😯 and I haven’t been on the computer much lately


              I can’t wait to see the Rainbow OW’s….. 😆 I’m not sure yet if I am going to like them…I hope that there is going to be a pic of them in the store… 😀



              WolfenMachine wrote:

              OMG if the OW’s go up, maybe someone could grab me one? So far it seems the more pricey stuff doesn’t just FLY out of the store like the curlies, but I NEEED a Rainbow OW 😯 and I haven’t been on the computer much lately

              I’d be happy to do that, Wolfen. If I don’t manage to miss them somehow. I’m home all day and check the store often.


                Kachina wrote:

                WolfenMachine wrote:

                OMG if the OW’s go up, maybe someone could grab me one? So far it seems the more pricey stuff doesn’t just FLY out of the store like the curlies, but I NEEED a Rainbow OW 😯 and I haven’t been on the computer much lately

                I’d be happy to do that, Wolfen. If I don’t manage to miss them somehow. I’m home all day and check the store often.

                That would be MOST awesome of you, Kachina!! 😀


                dkomenda wrote:

                Ohh and I need to figure out a way that my hubby wouldn’t notice my windstone purchases 😛 He thinks im totally addicted… hello! I AM!

                Mine too! 😆 I’ll pass on the Rainbow. I sure do wish I could get an Autumn leaf though! In anything!! 8) 😆

                you are now obsessed with clicking ***

                Please click to help my dragon eggs hatch



                Well, both rainbow old warriors and laps are getting detailed currently. Shouldn’t be too long now.

                Remember, folks – if you want one when they go up, GRAB one. This doesn’t just go for these, but it goes for everything limited production in the store. It is going to be a very long while before we can make more – so if there is something you’ve been waffling over getting, grab it. Because once we sell out, that could very well be it!

                -Zorse, on her way to redneck central.


                  I hope and pray I’m on the computer when the rainbow ow’s go in the store. If they sell out and I don’t get one I will cry 🙁

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