Oh boy here we go! I mocked this pearly fellow up a while back ago, but just got around to painting him now. I have never painted any sort of PYO before, I am much more comfortable as a digital artist than a traditional artist. Real life doesn’t have the comfort of Ctrl+z. But, no way to figure it out unless one does, so without further adieu, the pearly WIP:
The only reason I stopped was because the lighting in my apartment got bad – but this guy is coated pretty hardcore with pearl paints and colorshifts too. But as I am new, please do hit me up with tips and tricks you may have!
Absolute Godtier wishlist
Contusion Male Dragon painted by Brandi Wise
Bantam Kickstarter dragon #102, "Alien", red/black colors with black eyes. Clone is fine. If you get one and want to get rid of it, PLEASE message me.