Be sure you've joined waitlists for your favorite items!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Be sure you've joined waitlists for your favorite items!

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      The old lists of people who pressed the old “notify when back in stock” button for out of stock items were lost when we moved data from our old store to our new store. If you were waiting for something that is out of stock, now would be a good time to log into the store (remember its a different log in from the forum – you may find that your forum password will not work and you may need to get a new one for the store) and press the new “Join Waitlist” button on the out of stock items you are waiting for. It works like the old button did: when we restock you will be automatically emailed a message letting you know the item is available.

      While you are logged into the store, please be sure you look in “My Account”, scroll down below your list of past orders, and check the addresses we have for you. If the billing or shipping addresses are incorrect, press the little “edit” word to the right of each, fix it up and press “save” (I think you need to edit and save each one individually). The move of data picked up some very old addresses (it picked up old emails too – if you are supposed to get an email from the shopping cart and don’t, contact us for help updating your email address).

      We are still working on the store, making it work and look better, let us know if you discover anything strange that needs to be fixed!


        Susie what button do I push for the new item that goes in the store or special items?


          The store announcement button has disappeared… sorry about that! If you were signed up for that already, you are still signed up for it, no worries there. On the “forum” part of our website there is still a Subscribe to our Newsletter button for the Newsletter (which we have still not published) – sign up for that if you haven’t already, or if you’ve changed your email address recently – I think we may be combining those two (the Store Announcement list and the Newsletter list) into one “Windstone News” type of email list.

          Sorry about that confusion!


            I must admit that I miss the pictures of the newest additions that showed up when you opened the “Windstone Store” portion. It was a quick way for me to immediately see if something new had been added. Is the “Featured Products” listing at the very bottom of the store page intended to serve the same function? I thought at first it did, but it never did list the tanukis. Is there something I am missing that will show when something new has been added or are we completely dependent on the notification emails. Thanks for your time, Susie.


              We mean to add the featured product slide show back onto the front page of the store – that’s part of the “fancying” up that Clay is working on. We are not done with it yet!


                Wonderful, thank you so much for the info.


                  When will it be fixed? I can’t sign up, it logs me out everytime.


                    Wolfrott, were you logged into the store when you pressed the “Join Waitlist” button?

                    If you are already logged into the store and press a join waitlist button it adds you right onto the list. If you are not logged into the store at the time, it will will say this across the top of the page in a purple stripe: “You must create an account and be logged in to join the waitlist for this product” I just tested it and it seems to work o.k.

                    I find that its helpful to note that when you are logged into the forum, the little “log in or out” words are way to the right of the top of the screen, when you are logged into the store they are closer to the center of the screen. Our goal is to have everything in one place again, however until we get the forums and galleries moved to where the store is, we’ll have two separate log ins.


                      Wolfrott, were you logged into the store when you pressed the “Join Waitlist” button?

                      If you are already logged into the store and press a join waitlist button it adds you right onto the list. If you are not logged into the store at the time, it will will say this across the top of the page in a purple stripe: “You must create an account and be logged in to join the waitlist for this product” I just tested it and it seems to work o.k.

                      I find that its helpful to note that when you are logged into the forum, the little “log in or out” words are way to the right of the top of the screen, when you are logged into the store they are closer to the center of the screen. Our goal is to have everything in one place again, however until we get the forums and galleries moved to where the store is, we’ll have two separate log ins.


                      I just tried it now and it still logs me out. I login to the store, it then takes me to my recent orders page, but if I leave it to access the store itself, it logs me out.


                        Did you change your password for the store section of the site and log in using the new one? It’s on a different platform and requires it’s own password separate from the forum now.


                          Being absolutely terrified of missing the announcement when the grab bag young unis come out, I went to the store to hit “join waitlist” again, just to be on the safe side. I have no idea when y’all added the “you are on the waitlist for this item” notice, but thank you, that is a very nice confirmation to have.


                            Did you change your password for the store section of the site and log in using the new one? It’s on a different platform and requires it’s own password separate from the forum now.

                            I don’t know about anyone else, but I use the same user name and password for both the Forum and the store. I simply confirmed (or reconfirmed) the information after the new store went on line.

                            Wolfrott – it’s just an idea. Are you accessing the store from a bookmark that might be leading to a flawed version of the new store? I haven’t had any problems when I go to the store from the Forum and sign in.


                              Good point Etruscan – old bookmarks can be a problem – and it never hurts to refresh a page once in a while either.

                              One thing that I hadn’t realized, was that when I have said “reset your password” what I mean is – if your password doesn’t work, pretend you have forgotten it and click on the “forgot my password” thing and follow instructions. I apologize for not being clear about that.

                              Once in a while something odd happens and I can send you a temporary password to use to get in and then you can change your password – but I need your permission to do that so it doesn’t make matters more complicated! Anyone having a horrible time with the passwords, please email or

                              I hope that everyone tries to log into the store and makes sure their password works before they need to place an order. You must be logged in to join a waitlist for an out of stock item – so its a good time to do this now so that you can join the waitlist for the Young Unicorn Grab Bag edition!

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