
BDW's photography/ new pics june16, p 11 #20

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      siberakh1 wrote:

      We get red-headed, pileated, downy and hairy woodpeckers at the house all the time. We also get flickers that you see now and again.

      Flickers are fun to watch. We had a few that would come to our back yard and just peck the the hell out of the ground! Looking for bugs I guess. But they really jumped around and put a lot of energy into digging in the ground for stuff. They were yellow shafted ones, and I still have a few feathers I found from them. They are very pretty with yellow and black. And very stiff too. There are also red shafted flickers. Never saw one of those though.


        travistie wrote:

        Nice hawk photos! What kind of hawk is it?

        I’m not 100% sure but I think it’s a juvenile red-tailed hawk. They where close to each other one day.

        travistie wrote:

        Flickers are fun to watch. We had a few that would come to our back yard and just peck the the hell out of the ground! Looking for bugs I guess. But they really jumped around and put a lot of energy into digging in the ground for stuff.

        The ones that were at my place were doing the same thing. Since the river is so hight the groung is just soked up and there are worms everywhere. I tried to take a picture of one but they would not stand still long enough to focus and shoot! πŸ˜• This is the best I could do.


          That’s a great picture! Looks like you got a female there. The males have a black or red mustache type marking on their cheeks. (Depending on whether it’s a yellow or red shafted one).

          Thanks for sharing πŸ˜€


            Gorgeous pix as always, BDW! We have a pair of flickers that are nesting in the back yard and also a pair of young bald eagles who are trying to decide where to set up house…… We’ve also got northern orioles, but I never can get the camera quick enough to get ’em on film…. πŸ˜• Beautiful work you do….. You ought to display it in a gallery πŸ˜€

            twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



              BDW, I wish you were here so you could take a picture of our Florida Ospreys. They’re my favorite bird. πŸ™‚


                I like the woodpecker!!!! I love the clarity in that one…like you’re right there next to him. Awesome pics BDW!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

                I think my favorite birds are Red winged blackbirds, ravens, chickadees and blue jays. πŸ™‚


                  twindragonsmum wrote:

                  Gorgeous pix as always, BDW! We have a pair of flickers that are nesting in the back yard and also a pair of young bald eagles who are trying to decide where to set up house…… We’ve also got northern orioles, but I never can get the camera quick enough to get ’em on film…. πŸ˜• Beautiful work you do….. You ought to display it in a gallery πŸ˜€

                  twindragonsmum πŸ˜€

                  πŸ˜€ Thanks Twindragons!
                  😯 Oh I hope the bald eagles do their nest close to you!
                  I had some one year in the winter, they came on the river in front of my place and hate some fish that people had left on the ice. But I did not have a good camera at the time so they did not turn out right. πŸ™

                  starbreeze wrote:

                  BDW, I wish you were here so you could take a picture of our Florida Ospreys. They’re my favorite bird. πŸ™‚

                  We have those here too but I rarely see them. πŸ™
                  πŸ˜€ But if I ever see one again I’ll make sure to take a picture for you!
                  I might go back to Calumet Island and I know there are some that make their nest in one of the threes thereon a very small Island.

                  purplecat wrote:

                  I love the clarity in that one…like you’re right there next to him. πŸ™‚

                  πŸ˜€ πŸ˜† I was…I was standing at the end of my balcony and my arms were extended all the way out so the camera was about 3 feet from them. Took me forever to get there though πŸ™„ …I did not want to scare them. That is a mother and her young since she was feeding him.

                  purplecat wrote:

                  I think my favorite birds are Red winged blackbirds, ravens, chickadees and blue jays. πŸ™‚

                  I’m still trying to get a red winged and a nice one of a blue jay.


                    Blue Jays were my favorite backyard bird until I saw a Rose Breasted Grosbeak for the first time a few years ago at my Pennsylvania home. They only visited during the spring time though. Evening Grosbeaks came one year too. And those were also very beautiful.
                    Do you have Grosbeaks up where you are BDW?

                    I didn’t take this pic. Pulled it from the net just so others who have not seen one before, know what I’m talking about.
                    Rose Breasted Grosbeak:


                      travistie wrote:

                      Blue Jays were my favorite backyard bird until I saw a Rose Breasted Grosbeak for the first time a few years ago at my Pennsylvania home. They only visited during the spring time though. Evening Grosbeaks came one year too. And those were also very beautiful.
                      Do you have Grosbeaks up where you are BDW?

                      I didn’t take this pic. Pulled it from the net just so others who have not seen one before, know what I’m talking about.
                      Rose Breasted Grosbeak:

                      Oh aren’t those great! And they have such a beautiful song but we only see them in early spring and sometimes (rarely) at one time during the month of august.

                      Here is a link to their song:

                      I will post birds tomorrow night.
                      There will be crows, chickadees, nuthatchers, goldfinches, cardinal, redpolls and mourning doves,
                      so please come back and see. πŸ˜€


                        I look forward to seeing more pics.
                        Chickadees and Goldfinches are so cute! πŸ˜€


                        I love this thread. It’s almost like being outside.




                          Red-breasted nuthatch

                          White-crowned sparrow

                          Mourning dove



                          Hoary redpoll
                          He’s on the right

                          Common redpoll
                          I’m so mad that this one did not focus right! 😑
                          I took several pictures of him and they all turned out that way. πŸ™
                          Males have red on their breast.


                            I changed my pictures for smaller ones. πŸ˜€


                              Have you been taking pix in my backyard? πŸ˜† I need you to come visit so you can help improve my photos…..

                              twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                                They’re all so cute!!! I love that common redpoll! πŸ˜€

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