
BDW's photography/ new pics june16, p 11 #20

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    The beetles have really pretty shells. Not like here, plain old brown. Yuck.


      Whoa, deja vu! XD I barely ever look in the Art thread, but when I do, you’ve posted a picture of the exact same beetle I just took a picture of up at our cabin, over July 4th weekend! Freaky. =0

      I love your bluejay pics, by the way!


        I have a flock of Blue Jays!! I put peanuts out for the squirrels. It seems Blue Jays love them just as much as the squirrels do!!! One of the Jays must sit in our grapefruit tree and watch the door. As soon as I put the peanuts out, I hear a Blue Jay call and within a couple of minutes, the flock shows up to grab peanuts. I love watching them. Since they’ve been coming to visit, I’ve noticed that Blue Jays have a wide range of vocalizations. I’d never noticed that before. They’re really cool birds!! 😀


          kitsunelady wrote:

          Whoa, deja vu! XD I barely ever look in the Art thread, but when I do, you’ve posted a picture of the exact same beetle I just took a picture of up at our cabin, over July 4th weekend! Freaky. =0

          I love your bluejay pics, by the way!
          Can I see it? 😀


            I’ll post more tomorrow after my minor surgery at the dentist. 😉


            Aw cool, bugs! All ours disappeared because it’s been raining for days.


              Blackdesertwind wrote:

              kitsunelady wrote:

              Whoa, deja vu! XD I barely ever look in the Art thread, but when I do, you’ve posted a picture of the exact same beetle I just took a picture of up at our cabin, over July 4th weekend! Freaky. =0

              I love your bluejay pics, by the way!
              Can I see it? 😀

              Here it is! XD I almost forgot about this. It was kind of hard to get, because my brother’s dog kept sticking his big head in the way to see what I was looking at. Haha.


                WOW! Great picture kitsunelady! Yes they are identical…ummmm…maybe my bug went to visit you… 😆 😉

                They are very beautiful. I really like the colors


                  I think they’re called Six-spotted [Green] Tiger Beetles, and are known to flit about on forest trails (which is where I was). =) They eat other bugs. o_o; To quote the site I found them on…”As with all tiger beetles (family Cicindelidae), this is a ferocious predator and it sports powerful sickle-shaped mandibles that are used to grab and dispatch hapless arthropod prey.”

                  So cute and yet so violent. XD


                    Thanks for the info.
                    I should name them when I post them but sometime I’m too much in a hurry 😆


                      blue damselfly june 21, 2008 after the nymph stage

                      blue damselfly june 21, 2008 after wings have unflold

                      blue damselfly july 11, 2008


                      harvestman july 11

                      yellow spider july 6


                        I love the blue damselfly and the dragonfly, but they’re my favorite insects. As usual, all of your photos are National Geographic material. 🙂


                          starbreeze wrote:

                          As usual, all of your photos are National Geographic material. 🙂

                          I wish! 🙄


                          They are! I love the black and white dragonfly photo.


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