Barrdwings restoration of green mama dragon

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      Apoxie Sculpt is a two part material that you mix a one to one ratio of. Once you mix it you have a set amount of time to work with it before it hardens – no heat required. It’s really sticky at first, but as it sets it gets less sticky and can be more easily detailed. And a little bit will go a long way. Here’s the company page about the product.


        I’ve used it fairly often and it’s a pretty good product if you pretty much know you can do what you need to with the time limit. It’s super good for windstone repairs. However if you need more time to work, Sculpy is good too. πŸ˜€


          Thanks! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€




          twindragonsmum wrote:

          p.s. do you know how the damage occured? (or did I miss that part πŸ˜† )

          I know how some of the damage occurred, but not all of it. She was an eBay auction. In the photos, she clearly had about 1/3 of her wings missing, and a bunch of chips and dings all over. Fortunately there wasn’t much competition for her (or nobody else was silly enough to bid on such a damaged piece, I can’t remember which :P). But when she shipped, she collected a whole new level of grief. The seller sent her in a rather small box that was OK on the sides but a little short from top to bottom. They put a lovely foam pad under her, and crammed the box with packing peanuts. Unfortunately they forgot what might happen if the box got turned upside-down . . . which of course it did. The dragon settled through the packing peanuts until what was left of her wings hit the cardboard, and then proceeded to rub off some of the paint. Then she either got dropped or had something heavy put on top of her. The wings shattered. When she arrived, the box looked like it had been through a rugby match. The dragon . . . well, you’ve seen her. πŸ™

          Since I’d bought the piece knowing it was broken already, I decided to just keep her. I spent about an hour picking bits of gypsum and paint out of the foam pad and packing peanuts, put all the pieces in a bag, and repacked dragon and body parts in a bigger box. She’s sitting in plain sight in the bird room, just waiting for her chance! πŸ™‚

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