Barbara Stanwyck

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    I don’t…but could you send me the link?


    BJs is one of the wharehouse stores you have to have a membership to use. The bulk type stores. They have really good prices on books and DVDs.

    I was just surfing and the Barbara Stanwyck collection is coming out 10/30. Talk about timing!


    Thanks. It sounds like the same type of store as Costco, which we have in California.

    At any rate, I didn’t find any “Big Valley” DVD’s on their website — maybe that’s something that they only have “in-store”?


      um…sorry. I’m lost on this one… 😕


      I used to watch Big Valley all the time. I remember Barbara Stanwyck. And I remember Linda Evans from the Big Valley series. I know she played later on the night time soaps, but I didn’t watch them much.


      Hey, it looks like they have Big Valley DVD’s on Amazon

      They only have seasons 1 & 2. Does anyone know if seasons 3 & 4 were ever put on DVD?


        I remember Barbara Stanwick and Linda Evans, but I don’t remember Big Valley. I’ve never really been into Westerns though. (Although there’s been a few exceptions to that — Tombstone for one.)


          ddvm wrote:

          Loved Big Valley! (and it is out on DVD) Wasn’t Lee Majors in it?

          Yes he was one of the sons back when he was young. I answereed this before I saw it was answered


          Leigha wrote:

          No idea who either of those are…SORRY!



            starbreeze wrote:

            I liked Nick Barkley!!! 😉

            me too!!


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Leigha wrote:

              No idea who either of those are…SORRY!

              Well is was 1965 to 1969 in the US so all you youngters will not know about it. If you live outside the US you most likely would not know about it either. Barbara Stanwyck was a pretty big star though. Linda Evans was a sort of airhead in the show though. Audra I think her name was


                I remember that show. And Barbara Stanwyck.


                mimitrek wrote:

                Hey, it looks like they have Big Valley DVD’s on Amazon

                They only have seasons 1 & 2. Does anyone know if seasons 3 & 4 were ever put on DVD?

                Looks like all 4 seasons are available on DVD, but I haven’t found season 3 or 4 available separately. There’s also a photo of the cast and a show description for those that don’t remember the show.


                I must be old too, because I know who those two ladies are.



                I know who they are. I haven’t heard of Big Valley though. I’m not older, it’s just my oldest sister used to force me to watch what she liked.

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