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    What is the deal with these things??!! My 7 year old is SOOOOOO into this little guys and I can never find them in the stores. Are they popular or gone by?


    I’ve never heard of them. My 6yr old cousin is into cars. I’m going shopping tomarrow so I’ll take a look.


      I see those all the time in the toy section at Wal-Mart and Target. They are usually near the Ben 10 and Mighty Morphing Power Ranger toys.


      I have never heard of them.


        Bakugan! 😀

        Nope, they are pretty popular still and new figures are out for them, though maybe not as popular as say, Ben 10 or Hannah Montana! They are kind of like the Yu-Gi-Oh! cards (same principle, based on a Japanese animated cartoon – ie. anime – only it doesn’t use cards). I guess sort of a hybrid of Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokemon in a way 😆

        Check Walmart, Target, Toys R Us, or Kay-Bee Toys for the toys. They should have them. If you don’t see them, I’d ask a clerk.


        Both our walmart & toys r us are sold out…even online. Did not check target….ended up ordering a ‘red pack’ from someplace on amazon…

        My boy worked SO hard to earn it too! He was getting a lot of reminders(little cards the kids get when they are not abiding by classroom rules, 3 in one day = no recess). So, Noah had to go a whole 5 day week with no reminders. It took him 4 weeks to finally have a full week without a single reminder…


        They sell out very, very quickly here. They are a hot toy. (I don’t know how long it’ll last) But, we have people who call everyday to find out if we have any in.

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