Ugh just got back from the hospital. They moved him to the critical care floor because his oxygen saturation kept dipping and the regular floor couldn’t monitor him. The doctors ordered a battery of tests to try and figure out what is going on. They did an ultrasound of his arms, legs, and heart to make sure he didn’t have any clots. From what they could see he had no new clots and the one in his arm and neck look better then last week. He had a ct scan but the results are not in yet. He also had a cat scan and a butt load of blood work. They bumped his oxygen up from 2 to 6 lpm to try and keep his oxygen saturation above 90%. They also had to give him something for anxiety because all of this is freaking him out. Right now they still don’t know what is going on but think it may be a bad pneumonia. I hope to know more tomorrow.