Back Pain

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    That doesn’t sound like any fun Emerald. I do hope it goes away sooner than later. And congrats on selling all of the rubies.


      It’s been a few days, so I thought I’d update you all on how it is going. The rash is better and almost gone, but the pain is still there. My husband lightly rubs it sometimes (out of sympathy, I think), but it kind of hurts when he does that. But I don’t complain because it feels nice to be touched. I have to spend most of my time being careful not to accidently touch someone, since I may still be contagious until the rash is completely gone. And I’ve discovered that more people haven’t had chicken pox than I would have thought. So, I’m trying to be careful.

      The crappy flu feeling is mostly gone too. Yesterday was the first day since I got the shingles that I didn’t feel like death warmed over. Today is pretty good too, but now I think I’m getting a cold. 👿 My nose won’t stop running. “It’s either one thing or another thing, but it’s always something” (Rosanna Rosanadana). 😆

      I have a big stack of papers to grade, and I’m not looking forward to it. I’ve done five, but I have 19 more to go. *sigh* Sitting too long makes my back more sore, so it’s not been fun. Hopefully this pain will go away soon.


        Can’t you grade while lying down? That should help…hope you feel better soon.

        I’ve never had any of the childhood deseases…never had the mumps, measles or chicken pox. I get the flu at least once a season but thats it.


          I hope the pain goes away soon. Any idea what set it off yet?


            I’m hoping it’s stress-related. It is a virus that is dormant in the nerve roots after having chicken pox. So everyone that’s had chicken pox has the potentiality to have shingles. It is triggered by a low-immune period in the body due to high, prolonged levels of stress (um, grad school?), or other illnesses like HIV or undiagnosed cancer. I’m going with the stress. It does make a lot of sense, really. The last two years of my life, I’ve had stress non-stop and really no rest at all.

            My two weeks in England two summers ago was probably the most restful, but we still had classes and long, hiking field trips during the day. At night it was nice because I could take a nice long shower and lay in my room and read. But that still doesn’t make up for two plus years of non-stop stress.


            Stress bleh. Everyone is so overstressed lately. I’m glad you are doing better. 🙂


            I will send some prayer your way- and some positive healing vibes 😉 Back pain is never fun no matter the cause- I can’t imagine it bad enough to bring someone to tears. You are in my thoughts.


              I went to get a flu shot yesterday, and they wouldn’t give it to me because I had a fever. I didn’t think I was still that sick, but I guess I am. It’s better though. The rash is almost completely gone. I still have some back pain once in a while, but that’s mostly cleared up too.

              And I’ve also been fighting a cold, and I have a part of a cotton ball stuffed in my ear because I keep hearing low-level buzzing (which could be a sign of an ear infection). If it doesn’t get better soon, I’ll have to go to the doctor. Yuck. 🙁


                If it aint one thing its another. 😕


                  Sorry to hear that…I hope you are better soon!


                    Hope you start feeling better soon. It’s awful when it’s a kind of hurt which makes it hard to move around and do your normal daily stuff. Take care. 🙂


                      You poor thing. Hope you finally feel better soon. *Healing Hugs*

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