Back Pain

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      Im sorry about your back. I thought shingles came up because of high stress. You stressin out about something? I hope your back gets better and the motrin helps.


      So sorry to hear about the shingles, Emerald! 🙁 Ski is right: shingles often does come on because of high stress. Which means that stress will make you feel worse, so if there’s any way to take things a little easier, please do it! Anyone who has had shingles should understand. And–I don’t suppose you could use this as a class lesson by any chance? Not that you have to tell or show the students what you’re going through, but to encourage them to think a little? Many students are still at the “I’m young and bulletproof” phase. It’s useful to put a crack in that fantasy, so that when reality hits later on in life they’re not completely floored. 😉

      A friend of mine had shingles break out on her forehead–she was thrilled about that location–and she said that after the first couple of days it didn’t hurt so much. I’m hoping that yours quiets down too. Nerve pain is NO FUN. I hope you are feeling better today and that the Ren Fest is still fun for you. Hang in there!


        Oh, ouch! You take care of yourself and keep us posted on how you’re feeling. Wish I had some helpful advice. 🙂 *hugs*


          I hope you feel better soon, Em!


            Ouch Emerald I know how bad shingles hurt I had them about 8 years ago. My doctor gave me some pills that cleared them up in a few days but the pain lingered he then told me to get some Capzasin which you can get anywhere as it is not a prescription. It works although it burns like hhhhhh the first time you use it and worse the first time water hits the area but after that the pain pretty much goes away so it’s worth a few minutes of pain. BUT don’t use it until the shingles clear up.


              Hope this goes away quickly, Emerald. I’m sorry you’re in so much pain.


                *Healing Hugs* My hunny knocked his back out of whack 3 weeks ago and is still in pain. But he gets no sympathy because he refuses to go see a doctor 😛

                Hope you feel better soon. Take some rest.


                🙁 Hope it clears up quickly! Be warned, shingles can last waaaayyy longer than 4 weeks. But really, hopefully yours is better in no time!


                  I’m back from the Ren Fest. It was my last weekend, so after today I can take it easy. Today I teach my class in the morning, then I run out to the Gem Wholesalers show that ends today, then I take down my tent and load everything we have at Fest into my car. Then I visit my mom for a while (she’s good to me, unlike so many others’ on here). And come home. The gem show and Fest is 80 miles from home (and so is Mom), so it’s a drive. Maybe the hubby can do it this time. 😀

                  My back still hurts, and it looks like I’m getting a bigger outbreak area. It seems that I can take in a full breath now; that was a problem before. So it’s eased a little. I heard that someone had this for 3 months or more. *cry* That would not be fun.

                  Shingles is not contagious to anyone who has already had the chicken pox. I cannot give anyone shingles, but I can give them the chicken pox. So, I have to limit my access to small children (especially babies, when it’s dangerous). Pregnant women are okay to be around, so that’s good. I have one for a student. 🙂

                  I’ll keep you all updated. Thanks for being there and listening! 😀


                    I hope you get to feeling better soon. Back pain sucks.


                    I’m glad to hear its getting better! I hope it continues to improve and your all healed soon 🙂


                      Welcome back. I hope the fest went well. I really hope your shingles clear up quicker than 3 months, too. 😕


                        I’m sorry to hear you suffering. 🙁 I hope it clears up quickly.


                          I’m glad you can still teach, that would be a long stretch of time to be banned from work! Hope you start feeling better sooner than planned! I actually had chicken pox three times as a kid….I must have a wacko immune system! 🙄


                            OK. I’ve decided that I’m really really not liking this shingles thing. The back pain is bad enough, but the constant feeling of having the flu is horrible.

                            My students, however, are very understanding and are actually started to get excited about the things I’m teaching them. I think now that they are aware that I’m human too, they’ve decided to participate in class. I even had one come up and ask me about changing to an English major — she said she loves my class and thinks I’m a great teacher (little suck up – I love it!). It’s refreshing to see enthusiasm.

                            Of course, the one person I need to spend the most time with (at school anyway) hasn’t had chicken pox yet, so I have to stay back from him when we talk. I told him to get the vaccine, so I hope he does. He’s my mentor (previous thesis advisor), and he’s helping me with a paper for a conference and for developing a lesson plan for a class I want to propose. He’s my good friend, so it’s hard to keep an appropriate distance when all we want to do is stand close and gossip. 😆 Ah well, if he gets the vaccine, we won’t have to worry about it.

                            Well, I’m going to pack up all my Rubies for shipping (I sold all of them!), and then go lie down. Gosh, I’m tired! 😮 <– that's supposed to be a yawn. Why don't we have "tired" icons?

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