
Back in Stock emails

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      Erroneous Back in Stock emails went out for the Nutmeg Curled Dragons on Saturday night. We apologize for that and we think we’ve fixed the problem. Meantime – did anyone receive a back in stock email for the Emerald Color Shift Curled Dragons? If so, please email me at susie@windstoneeditions.com. Those were not re-stocked. There may be yet another glitch in the system that causes messages to go out at the wrong time!

      If you respond in this thread, please also email me at susie@windstoneeditions.com. Please don’t pm, I don’t always see those right away.


        I did. I also emailed you about it.

        Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
        Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
        Sun Dragon Koi #3


          Thank you to those of you who provided more info, such as the time of the email. Tomorrow our experts will tackle this new problem and get it solved. Sorry about getting everyone excited – but we will actually be restocking in the next day or so.


            Ah, that solves the mystery!

            I got the back in stock notification at 10:19 this morning I do believe.

            Emailin’ you now also. 🙂


              Did anyone get a back in stock message on Friday or Saturday? Or only on Monday?


                Did anyone get a back in stock message on Friday or Saturday? Or only on Monday?

                I had the sat nutmeg restock email.. I was the one Pam found out about the stray emails from..


                Nutmeg mail for me was Saturday at 5:30 PM PST.


                  Did anyone get a back in stock message on Friday or Saturday? Or only on Monday?

                  Just Monday for me shortly before Chris’ comment in the color shift curlie post on here.


                    😀 I think we’ve figured out what triggered the Back in Stock messages! It should not happen again unless I goof up and forget not to do a certain little thing (which could very well happen!). Yay!


                      I never got that one . A while ago I got one on restocking vampire bats . Brown or the original black ones . A false one . So it happens .

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