
Back from the pony show!

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        Well, I got back in one piece and ponies intact! What a stessful and nerve-racking experience! But now that I know I can do it, I’ll be going more often. I hadn’t realized the fire was so close to the show grounds. The electricity went out so I couldn’t check into my hotel room so I had to drive til I saw lights.
        I didn’t get any pictures as I was too busy helping and getting mine ready.
        My mares did well for such large classes.
        Fortune got two seconds in her class getting beaten by Silo who got a first and a third, and then went on to get Reserve Champion mare. YAY!

        There were only two stallions in Frodo’s aged class and being he was acting like a dork… Only got two seconds. BUT… went on to earn Reserve Champion Stallion 😯
        It’s almost unheard of for a pony to get unanimous seconds and then go on to get Reserve! Being that he was acting like such boy and had his “thing” hanging out for everyone to see. I have high hopes that once he gains some further training, he’ll be a top stallion.

        Not bad considering the ponies were in total pasture condition.
        I am happy to be home though!


          Congratulations – it sounds like it was worth all the stress and hard work . Well done you 😀 Looks like the mares and Frodo have what it takes to go far .


          Good Job!! Showing can be very stressful, but it’s a good way to get some publicity for a stallion or breeding program.


            Congratulations! 😀




              ROFL! poor young guy. it sounds like it went great though! how exciting!


                Congratulations sounds like everbody did well and had a great time




                  I’m glad it went so well. 😀 Silly Frodo!!! He’s such a character!! 😆


                  That’s so great!

                  How much of the surrounding area near Santa Barbara is on fire?? I’m from there, and I’d kinda like to know how bad it is around there.



                    I’m not exactly sure how much of SB is burning. I was at the Earl Warren Showgrounds and when I left Wednesday night to find my hotel, I could see huge flames on the hills.
                    The showgrounds were the staging area for the CDF 😛 😆
                    They had just evacuated another close by town and one of the handlers had to leave in a hurry to get her own horses out as they had just been evacuated.

                    I guess last week in California, there were 1600 fires going. The head fireman went on to report this week that there were now only 700. But not because they had put them out, but because the fires had grown together 😯
                    The Big Sur fire isn’t expected to be out for another month and they don’t expect Big Sur to survive.
                    Malibu is on fire now as well.
                    There’s a lot of people without homes right now. It’s sad. This whole country is having issues it seems. If it’s not flooding, it’s hurricanes, or fires.


                    I know, it seems like it gets worse every day. The fireworks yesterday didn’t help any, I think, since those start fires of their own. Glad you got home safely and your ponies did well! I didn’t realize you were that close to the fires! How scary!


                      Phoenix, maybe you can help me. I’m wanting to buy a nice small, QUIET set of clippers preferrably rechargable for bridle paths, etc. What type, brand, do you recomend? 🙄 🙂


                        I use Oster. I don’t notice any quieter than others. I don’t coddle the ponies. They need to get used to anything I choose to do. Quiet or not.
                        I would recommend getting one of those hand held massagers that make the same type buzzing sound.
                        Start on the horse’s lower neck and massage all around. Next day go a little higher. Next day a bit higher.
                        Pretty soon the horse will begin to like the massages and will associate the buzz with pleasure.
                        When you can rub the massager all around his bridle path and lip and fetlocks and tail, you can start with the clippers.
                        The clippers will have a different buzz, so start by rubbing his neck the same way you did with the massager, but you won’t have to spend so much time as the horse will know the drill.
                        LOL, that’s my horse training 101 for the day 😆

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