Well, I kinda vanished for a couple of weeks, in case anyone noticed.
Work went nuts. That’s all I can say. 18hr days for 2 weeks straight. Things did not go as planned. From the Artistic Director not having a clue about the Tech end of producing a play to things like the people hired to move the set and furniture calling me a half hour before they were supposed to show up to say they weren’t coming and then the freight elevator breaking down as we were loading in stuff (theatre’s 2 floors down in the basement from the loading bay) and having to carry a set down several flights of stairs. But the show went off and went well with everyone loving it. I’ll post some pics of the set when I get stuff downloaded (I’m allowed since I was also the set designer. I give myself permission 😛 ) And amazingly I came through the whole thing still sane and smiling and it gave me a real boost in confidence (I’ve been struggling with depression for 3 years now) to take on real paying jobs.
Now to catch up on threads 😯