
Baby Unicorn – Grab Bag – ETA – UPDATED 1/25/12 2 PM PST

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Baby Unicorn – Grab Bag – ETA – UPDATED 1/25/12 2 PM PST

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  • #871147

      SUCCESSSSS!!!!! :D:D:D

      That had my heart absolutely pounding. Who needs cardio when you have the excitement of grab bag unicorns! 😛


        I managed to get one. God I need a nap now. IE was HELL! Didn’t even try to load the page once it had troubles, and then froze on the order/pay form twice! I finally got my order put through on Firefox.


        Well I’m light headed and cussing every 3 words cause my net and the web page were quite stupid XD but I got a confirmation email! W00T!! I only payed UPS ground instead of priority like I was tryin to get it to do (-$6 USPS- $12UPS Ground — The ‘Review order’ page locked up, first time it was USPS Priority, refreshed and quickly hit submit to realize the refresh of the review site set it to UPS ground.. Whatever! It worked, lmao!
        Might ask if that can change here shortly when the fuss is less.. hectic, lol

        Stupid excited!! XD


          I didn’t get a chance to grab one for the person i was watching for 🙁 i feel so bad!


            I got one too. My first grab bag anything.


              Oh my god that was HORRENDOUS!!! 0.o Thank goodness most of the people I was watching for were able to get their own. They were gone before I could reload the store!!!

              If anyone got an extra for someone and they don’t need it let me know. I missed out getting one for a friend x.x

              Got a busted Windstone?
              *OPEN for repairs*

              *SEEKING GRAILS*
              Arc-en-ciel Emperor
              Siphlophis Male Dragon
              Calypso Hatching Empress
              Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
              Tattoo Mother Kirin
              Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
              Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
              Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
              Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
              Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
              Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                I managed to get one as well–can’t wait to see which one I got. At first I thought they were all sold out already–would make sense with all the people on here. I saw the thread of not refreshing the store so I chilled out. My life doesn’t depend on this–the site was sooooo sloooooow! Then I managed to get on and see that they weren’t out of stock after all and got one.

                I guess in the future they could tell us not to get into the store for so many minutes because they’re trying to add them. Would make life easier for Windstone and us.

                My first grab bag and I’m thrilled! :bigsmile:


                So my possible stupid question?

                Is the site set up well enough that when an order is confirmed you for sure get one? – Or is there a risk that while I was waiting and toying with my cart to stop being stupid that I could have missed out even though I was in the process of making the order? That’s my big worry atm = – Never having done something like this before…


                  A notice is sent to your personal email and if you used paypal to pay, the notification of payment arrives in your email as well. You should have an order number–that shows that you have one. Also, you could check your orders on your account and see it there. Hope this helps.

                  Danzig Moon (Karen)

                    I got one! Eeeeeeep! *passes out*

                    LOL–I will never again complain about trying to get concert tickets or seats for Opening Day baseball. Both are less nerve-wracking than this was!


                    *** Always looking for Brindles..*** AWD Pieces **** Lavender Coiled Mother with Globe**** if you have one you would like to sell or trade please contact me ?


                      So my possible stupid question?

                      Is the site set up well enough that when an order is confirmed you for sure get one? – Or is there a risk that while I was waiting and toying with my cart to stop being stupid that I could have missed out even though I was in the process of making the order? That’s my big worry atm = – Never having done something like this before…

                      I think until you pay, they can still sell out. But I’m not sure!


                      A notice is sent to your personal email and if you used paypal to pay, the notification of payment arrives in your email as well. You should have an order number–that shows that you have one. Also, you could check your orders on your account and see it there. Hope this helps.

                      It was gift certs used and I have a confirmation email and order status..I’m just all worried (Probably stupidly) that I’ll get an email later going “Uh yeah, so you finished your order 30sec after the final uni order was placed” x.x! lol

                      I’m used to being *just* too late for things like this, so I’m skeptical of my possible success XD


                        I got one and I didn’t even know I wanted one. I like the bright colors. Pretty. 🙂

                        -- Angie


                          So my possible stupid question?

                          Is the site set up well enough that when an order is confirmed you for sure get one? – Or is there a risk that while I was waiting and toying with my cart to stop being stupid that I could have missed out even though I was in the process of making the order? That’s my big worry atm = – Never having done something like this before…

                          I think until you pay, they can still sell out. But I’m not sure!

                          That would be accurate. Until you pay, the uni can be snatched from you cart.

                          Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                          Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                          Sun Dragon Koi #3


                            and on my usual account.. I feel less.. dorkish XD haha!

                            I was also wonderin if there was a guesstimate on how quick they sold out? Curiosity 🙂

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