Baby pics! *video on page 5*

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    Congratulations! She’s so lovely! Enjoy your new perfect family! 🙂 And thanks for sharing!


    Congratulations! 🙂 Now you can relax a little . . . and move on into the fun of “Sweet child, what are you trying to tell us this time?” 😉


      Lol its 4 am and I’ve been up all night. Alyssa sleeps all day and is up ALL night. At least so far tonight she hasn’t had her crying fit (from 2-4am) where nothing I do can stop her crying. My bassinet has wheels so one of us will sleep in the bedroom and the other will wheel her into the office and watch her there. That was she doesn’t disturb whoever is trying to sleep. I usually pull the night shift since I have to be up to feed her anyway and boy does she like to eat at night. Danny takes her during the day and I get to sleep. I think Danny feels a little left out with the feedings since I’m breastfeeding and he can’t really help a whole lot with that. I have him burp her when I’m done since he is so good at it and I’ve never been able to get her to burp yet. I’m usually to sleepy after feeding her to burp her anyway. I’m still trying to figure out the hospital web nursery link I put up. I have to log in and do something to it but the info about it is still in the car since we haven’t gotten the bags in yet. If anyone wants to look at the hospital link I provided I think all you have to type in is her birth date (1-17-2008) the last 3 letters of her last name (Kut) and the state is Maryland. That should let you see her picture. I’ll try and get it fixed but I need Danny to get the bags out of the blazer. I wish he would do it already because I have some kit kats and reese cups out there lol.


      purpledoggy wrote:

      Lol its 4 am and I’ve been up all night. Alyssa sleeps all day and is up ALL night. At least so far tonight she hasn’t had her crying fit (from 2-4am) where nothing I do can stop her crying. My bassinet has wheels so one of us will sleep in the bedroom and the other will wheel her into the office and watch her there. That was she doesn’t disturb whoever is trying to sleep. I usually pull the night shift since I have to be up to feed her anyway and boy does she like to eat at night. Danny takes her during the day and I get to sleep. I think Danny feels a little left out with the feedings since I’m breastfeeding and he can’t really help a whole lot with that. I have him burp her when I’m done since he is so good at it and I’ve never been able to get her to burp yet. I’m usually to sleepy after feeding her to burp her anyway. I’m still trying to figure out the hospital web nursery link I put up. I have to log in and do something to it but the info about it is still in the car since we haven’t gotten the bags in yet. If anyone wants to look at the hospital link I provided I think all you have to type in is her birth date (1-17-2008) the last 3 letters of her last name (Kut) and the state is Maryland. That should let you see her picture. I’ll try and get it fixed but I need Danny to get the bags out of the blazer. I wish he would do it already because I have some kit kats and reese cups out there lol.

      Sounds like something that I will be familiar with soon! 😉 I was able to see the hospital pics, and they are adorable!


        Congratulations! Alyssa is adorable and you all look very happy.


        Congrats!!!!!! She is gorgeous!!!


        CONGRATS!!! Alyssa is beautiful! I love the hospital pictures, she looks so cute! 😀 thanks for sharing the pictures with us!


          My (probably unwanted advice 😀 ) Is since your Breast-feeding, leave the Burping to Danny and Sleep Take every chance you can to sleep and have Danny feed you while you are feeding Alyssa!!! I can’t figure out how people can do that for months far less years!! It was so taxing on me. I couldn’t sleep ’cause Khym needed Food, and I couldn’t eat ’cause I was too tired. And then even the pumping (Which meant I got an extra hour of sleep takes) took up time. I’ll tell you my “schedule” those first couple of months(until we figured out Khym was actually getting sick of my milk & I wanted back to work)

          1st hour- Feed Khym, takes between 1/2 hour 45 min.s occasionally the whole hour(basically whole hour is spent feeding Khym)

          2nd Hour- Pumping and getting bottles filled and refrigerated, helps increase supply, and means you can keep a bit of track of how much your child really is getting if you alternate between breast and bottle. Pump for 20 min.s each side, if you have a double even better.

          3rd hour- getting Khym and then my Insomniac keister to sleep.

          4th Hour- Marc feeds Khym, I get that hours worth of sleep if Khyms hunger cry doesn’t wake me.

          5th hour-Pump again

          6th hour- Marc tries to feed me while I try to sleep, he’s also asking me what I want to eat, there in by keeping me awake

          7th hour- Marc is still trying to feed me while I’m still trying to sleep

          8the hour- Start over again!!!

          But Congratulations!!! And many many happy times!!
          remember most importantly for your baby is that you need to eat properly, drink Lot’s of Water, & sleep lot’s!! that means eat a proper diet and eat several times a day.

          😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀


            I can’t bottle feed her for 3 weeks so its all up to me to feed her right now. I do leave the burping and diaper changes up to daddy. By the time I’m done feeding her I need to take a nap because it just wears me out. Right now I’m finding out how much fun it is when your milk comes in. She is having a hard time latching on because everything is soooo swollen. How long does this swelling last? I’ve had to hand pump between feedings or else they get to swollen for her to be able to do anything. God I wish this swelling would go down because its VERY uncomfortable!


              Congrats on the beautiful babby.

              lamortefille wrote:

              You don’t look exhausted at all, you witch! 😆 😉 😛 You look great! I’m so happy for all of you, Congrats, she’s beautiful! 😀

              Don’t worry she has plenty of time ahead of her to look exhausted. 😉

              I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
              Engaged to a Weasel


                purpledoggy wrote:

                How long does this swelling last? I’ve had to hand pump between feedings or else they get to swollen for her to be able to do anything. God I wish this swelling would go down because its VERY uncomfortable!

                Umm I hear yah and umm I’ld be freezing that milk… it may come in handy!! As for that “swelling” it may become a little more bearable, after the initial engorgement, but it’ll more or less stay until after you stop breast feeding her, and then ( I really hate to tell you)it’ll get even worse before it gets better!! if frozen properly you can get away with 3 months or 6 months depending on your freezer type, talk to the lactation consultant &/or your Midwife.


                  BiPolarBear wrote:

                  Congrats on the beautiful babby.

                  lamortefille wrote:

                  You don’t look exhausted at all, you witch! 😆 😉 😛 You look great! I’m so happy for all of you, Congrats, she’s beautiful! 😀

                  Don’t worry she has plenty of time ahead of her to look exhausted. 😉

                  😆 Yes, like the next 18 years!


                  😀 You know what helps the swelling? And this is a little bizarre, but it works. Fill up a pair of latex or nitrile gloves (like from work) with water and tie the ends like you would a balloon, keep ’em in the fridge (not freezer, they explode) and put them on between feedings when your napping. Works like a charm!!


                    Oh I’ll have to try that. I just talked to the lactation counselors from the hospital. They told me to put a warm compress (they said I can make one by taking a diaper and running it under warm water) on my breast for 10 minutes before a feeding then express about 1 tsp with a pump so it will take some of the swelling down. So far she has been eating every other hour today except for the 4 hour nap I took around 8am. She didn’t fuss and wake me up so I didn’t wake up to feed her. Boy did I pay for it when I did wake up though.


                      Alyssa had her first doctors check up today. Her weight is down to 6lbs 14oz but the doctor said that its normal and she should start to put some weight on. They had to do a heel prick on her since she is still jaundice and they wanted to check her levels. They called me back this afternoon and told me they were in the normal range and if I sit with her in the window to get some sunlight it will help the jaundice to go away. I uploaded some pics too….
                      Alyssa in her swing

                      Me trying to burp her which never seems to work

                      Doing some tummy time with Red Doll (my husbands doll from when he was a baby, its 30 years old lol)

                      Air boxing

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