Baby Boy!

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      I do remember always have a rag/burp cloth or two available when changing him, as soon as the diaper comes down the fire hose activates, so you want to have the rag in place covering things before you take down the diaper.

      Haha! So noted! That’s good, practical advice that I need to know! 😀



        You can call your ‘lil one Fox 😀

        I just might! That’s a cute nickname.


        Congrats! I am so happy for you, and Fox is an adorable name! (just dont make Mulder his middle name *snerk*)

        I had one brother and we fought like cats and dogs (supposedly do) so i probably dont have much advice. WE get along now though. Be sure to post pics in February!

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        Congrats!!! I have three boys age 4,13,17 and I gotta say…. Compared to my 1 girl age 5 going on 15…. My boys are a piece of cake lol. They are busy critters boys but they bring something amazing to a mothers life. My little one gives me huggs and tells me I’m the best mom ever and I’m beautiful, my 13 yr old is hilarious and brings laughter to my life and my 17 is bigger than me and always notices when I’m sad and need a hug and he wraps his arms around me and tells me all is gonna be ok and gives me a strength you can only find in a grown son.

        You will love, laugh, pull out your hair, shake head wondering how he survived that stunt, be grossed out by all the “noises” they make and think are the funniest thing on the planet especially if they can manage multiple noises at once, burst with pride, cry in frustration, love with an intensity you never thought imaginable, understand how you can love someone with all your heart and still not really like them in this moment…. I could go on and on but….. You are in for one amazing ride with a boy and it is worth every minute, bump, bruise, scrape, hug, kiss and I love you mommy!!!


          Precisely what Branzy said! They are so very worth it I would have more if I could ! The first time they hold the door for you or tell you to get back in the car ’cause it’s their job to get the you out… The wilting, squished bouquet of dandelion flowers and the first homemade Mother’s Day or Valentines card… The first date and learning to drive… The gentlemen they turnout to be. Cub Scouts, Eagle Scouts, Artists, anything and everything, First time they lock you out of the house or take the tires off the car because they can, or imitate daddy and call you “Babe”. All hard work but all so definitely worth it! Just remember to relax and enjoy because they’re only little once and they have all the potential to change the world !





            Pretty sure we’ve decided on the name Connor James.

            And Branzyboo, your post made me cry happy tears! (Yay, hormones!) Thank you for sharing. <3

            <3 tdm!


              Congratulations! I’m sorry…I have no worthwhile advice to give. But I wish you lots of luck and happiness.


                Another bit of advice when changing diapers: always make sure they are pointing down when you close things up. That way they pee into the diaper and not up and out of it. No one told me that at first so he had several shirts that were soaked, but as the little one was very well hydrated it didn’t smell like pee.



                Pretty sure we’ve decided on the name Connor James.

                And Branzyboo, your post made me cry happy tears! (Yay, hormones!) Thank you for sharing. <3

                <3 tdm!

                Awww glad I gave you happy tears! Another bit of advice… I learned with three willies in the diapers…. Get super absorbent maxi pads and at night… Stick a pad into diaper… Point willy down and then you won’t have a soaked baby in the morning. Works like a charm! Boys are notorious for soaking all the way up to neck in the night.


                  Tomorrow starts my 35th week of pregnancy. It’s getting so close! I’m really excited and also nervous. The house isn’t quite ready yet (you would think we’d have the crib put together by now, but…nope) but it’s almost there.

                  All things considered it’s been an ‘easy’ pregnancy. I’ve felt pretty good other than being tired, and I’ve even been able to sleep despite waking up every few hours to go to the bathroom. Compared to pregnancies I’ve heard about, this one has been pretty simple. I’m so blessed. Baby is healthy and kicking and moving, and he’s big enough now that if I push against my tummy he pushes back.

                  Any tips or advice for the upcoming hospital stay, labor and birth? There’s so much advice out there but I love hearing things from people I know! 😀


                    Do NOT let them give you Pitocin, unless there’s a really good reason. I also had an uneventful, felt great pregnancy with a healthy baby, but going into the weekend of my 41st week the doctor had plans and didn’t want it to get called in over the weekend, so he had me admitted on Thursday and Pitocin started to jumpstart labor. I have NEVER been so miserable! I vomited every 5 minutes from 10 PM until 2 PM the next day, when they finally discontinued it and gave me some relief. I fell straight to sleep and didn’t even wake up until 20 minutes before 5 when the nurse woke me because baby was beginning to emerge.
                    (and baby was fine, no labor yet because she was small and just hadn’t triggered it yet, small size in fetuses is a side effect of the clotting disorder I have. I was tiny myself- mom has it. Fortunately daughter doesn’t seem to)
                    So unless there’s a medical reason, don’t let them talk you into inducing labor just for timing and convenience.

                    And use the bathroom for stinky duty before you leave the house- they won’t let you out of bed once they have you there if they can help it. I had a real fight convincing them I would NOT use the bedpan and was going to use the bathroom no matter what. Your bowels will move as baby puts pressure on things on the way out.


                      Good Luck with everything when the time comes! Hope it’s an easy birth… Congrats! 😀

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                        Yikes! That sounds awful.

                        I’m glad everything was okay in the end, though, and that you and baby were fine.

                        Thank you for sharing!


                          Don’t feel bad about not having the crib ready. We had a crib for Vance (and it was set up) but for the first few months we wanted him in the playpen in our bedroom. Well before we knew it, it was time for Christmas and the extra stuff that had been stored in Vance’s room and moved out pending his arrival needed to be moved back into Vance’s room to make room for the Christmas tree.

                          It wasn’t until this Christmas (two years later) that we managed to get everything back out of his room and converting his crib to a toddler bed. He slept in his bed for the first time the Monday before Christmas and has been there every night since. We still have the playpen up in our room, but it’s become basically a big clothes hamper.

                          I had easy pregnancies with both my boys. Both deliveries were quick (only at the hospital about 2 hours before delivery both times). With Gavin, the delivery was all natural. With Vance, I had a pictosin drip (almost didn’t need it as contractions were just starting while we on the way to the hospital) as well as an epidural. I didn’t have near as bad an experience as pipsxlch.


                            The ONE thing I wish someone had told me when my son was new (I didn’t have any experience with babies):

                            Wait until they stop grunting to change their diapers.

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