
Baby Bathtub Shots :)

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    Here is Thorn getting a bath. I am just a proud mama. Please post you pet bathtub shots…pets are so cute when they are wet.


      Awwww!!! What a cutie!!! 😀


      Here’s my brat getting his bubble bath. 😆
      I took it a while ago.

      My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


      Look at those great long legs on Thorn! 😯 The only times I’ve seen hedgies, they’ve been prickled up and huffing; I had no idea they had such greyhound legs. Wow!


      Barrdwing wrote:

      Look at those great long legs on Thorn! 😯 The only times I’ve seen hedgies, they’ve been prickled up and huffing; I had no idea they had such greyhound legs. Wow!

      Hehehe…yeah..actually all hedgies have those legs. When they run, they stand up on those legs and go. Normally you can’t even tell they have legs.

      They HATE being bathed and try very hard to stretch and get out. They are supposed to be “stupid” primitive mammals, but I have found that they are anything but dumb.

      They see very poorly but the do the Flehmin response with tasting smells, like cats do and they hear very well. I love my hedgies, they are clean, easy to care for (for an exotic) and lovely creatures if handled gently.

      Here is a funny picture of how Thorn likes to sleep…


        Ah god that hedgehog has got to be the cutest critter EVER!!!!


          No wonder they keep their legs covered. Yuk! 😆




          Awww….I love the first picture of your hedgie! I have never taken any bath pictures before, so I might have to now! 😀


          Awwww! That’s the cutest thing I have seen in a long while! (^w^)


            I dont’ do pet baths I send Tristen to the groomers once a month and he comes back so sweet, soft and smelling so good. The reason I don’t give him a bath myself is it takes so long to dry him – a chow has a lot of fur – and I drop him off at the Groom N Time around 9:00 AM and he is usually done by 11:30 AM. They have a dryer that blows him dry quickly. HE HATES WATER PERIOD.


              Thorn is just too cute! 😀

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