Baby Albino Kirins

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      Argh – the piece I squeaked (squawked ?) for and I had to babysit tonight! I got Susie’s email notice too, so I knew in advance what I was missing. Oh well, maybe next time. Congratulations to everybody who got one!


        I hope there’s a set of parents to go with this little guy. Especially a male. I had my phone on silent and didn’t hear the email notification. >.< oh well-there will be more. I'm really excited they are in the store!


          Sigh! I work all day, so even if I check my mail at 8am right before leaving for work, then get the store announcement at 12pm saying they’ll go in at 3pm, I still am not “allowed” to check my mail until at least 6:30pm and miss them anyhow.

          Maybe in the future we can get a teeeeeeeny bit more notice? I’ve been checking the store 5 times a day for a week for them (even without any announcement XD), but I can’t do jack when I’m at work.

          I hit the Notify button for sure. I want one so bad! <3 Congrats to all who got one!


            Things can go wrong at the last minute, so we don’t make the announcement until the items are actually being packed. And at that point, we are all very eager to get them out the door. As such, the announcements will generally send out no more than 2 hours ahead of time. Sorry 🙁


              That makes a lot of sense really, given some of the problems you guys keep having with paints.

              Any idea when the next batch might go up?


              They are back in stock!


                Yay! Got one – even though I really couldn’t afford him. Oh well XD


                  I got one too!

                  Danzig Moon (Karen)

                    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 I got mine and a kitty 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

                    *** Always looking for Brindles..*** AWD Pieces **** Lavender Coiled Mother with Globe**** if you have one you would like to sell or trade please contact me ?


                      Today’s small batch sold out quickly. Please press the “Notify” button again, there WILL be more, and the next time we restock it will be a larger quantity so hopefully you will not have to press that button a zillion times.


                        Eee! I managed to check my mail at work today on a break and get one! I feel so lucky. 🙂

                        I understand about the notifications too better now. Thanks for the info!

                        Wampus Dragon

                          I got my baby albino ki-rin today and I LOVE him!!! I really hope parents get painted for these guys!


                            I got mine today… He is so unbearably adorable!!!

                            I can’t stand it!

                            But I’m afraid the tag will have to go, it’s just too big for the little guy.

                            Here he is, fearlessly chatting up my RF Fledgling:

                            Windstone 002


                              BTW, the Ki-Rin’s box says “Albino (Pink Eyes)”…

                              Could this mean that there will be other eye colors at some point?

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