
Babies and Older Humanoid children

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    Oh my All you young Mom’s. Maybe I shouldn’t post here? Nah 😛 I’m gonna share too 😆

    I had mine at 22, 27, 32, and 33. My oldest was born 3 months early. I was 27 weeks pregnant when I went into full labor due to an incompetent cervix. Arthur was delivered by emergency c-section. He weighed a whopping one pound 10 ounces. He is now 26 years old, graduated from college two years ago and got married last December to his wife Christine. Ashley is 23 and has been married four years to Scott.
    My two still at home are Chelsea 17 (she’ll be 18 in March) and Ethan 16. All four were C-Sections. Two were birth control babies 😆
    I also had two miscarriages. One single birth and once with twins. I would have loved to have had the twins. I think seven kids would have been great. I’m definitely not trying any more though! No fifty year old Mommas in this house.

    Just thought I’d post this too for anyone interested in martial arts. Also so I can show off my kids *looks off innocently whistling*
    Scott is my Son in law and Ethan and Chelsea are my 16 and 17 year olds

    Please click to help my dragon eggs hatch



    OMG…I feel so outta place on this topic.


    My most wanted list: Peacock kitty wizard, carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


      skigod377 wrote:

      Awww but you did so well with the first one! 😆 Just kidding. I am the same. I feel like I was so blessed with Justin that my second could only be a terror.

      I am soooo LOL… my first is great, besides for her being 9 and thinking she can run that mouth of hers! lol BUT she was GREAT as a baby… my second KICK MY A$$… and my husband now and I are going to try for another??? (It would be nice to give him a child of his own but I am 33 and NOT getting any younger either.) But you never know until you try! The next could be a pain in the a$$ or a sweetheart… 😉 😀


      twindragonsmum wrote:

      If your brother & his wife need someone to talk to or just listen, please feel free to give ’em my email address. PM me for it. I wish them all the best in the world!!!!!!

      My brother does have a daughter from his first marriage, she’ll be 13 this year, but she lives in AR with her b*tch of a mother. But she visits every year.

      But it isn’t the same, she’s almost grown. But they aren’t completely without.



      RiDuvessa wrote:

      No microhumans for me. I have absolutely no interest in kids other then to spoil my niece and numerous nephews. Never really did. My husband and I figure if we ever decide we want children, we will adopt.

      Microhumans 😀 😀 😆 That’s great. You sound like my sister She’s now 39 and perfectly content with her life. Says she gets plenty of time with her nieces and nephews and never felt the need for one of her own 😉



        To those of us who have children in our lives,
        whether they are our own,
        or students…
        here is something to make you chuckle.

        Whenever your children are out of control,
        you can take comfort from the thought that
        even God’s omnipotence did not extend
        to His own children.

        After creating heaven and earth,
        God created Adam and Eve.
        And the first thing he said was “DON’T!”

        “Don’t what?” Adam replied.

        “Don’t eat the forbidden fruit.” God said.

        “Forbidden fruit? We have forbidden fruit ?
        Hey Eve…we have forbidden fruit!”

        “No Way!”

        “Yes way!”

        “Do NOT eat the fruit!” said God.


        “Because I am your Father and I said so!” God replied, wondering why He hadn’t stopped creation after making the elephants.

        A few minutes later, God saw His children having an apple break and He was ticked!

        “Didn’t I tell you not to eat the fruit?” God asked.

        “Uh huh,” Adam replied.

        “Then why did you?” said the Father.

        “I don’t know,” said Eve.

        “She started it!” Adam said.

        “Did not!”

        “Did too!”

        “DID NOT!”

        Having had it with the two of them, God’s punishment was that Adam and Eve should have children of their own.

        Thus the pattern was set and it has never changed.


        If you have persistently and lovingly tried to give children wisdom and they haven’t taken it, don’t be hard on yourself.

        If God had trouble raising children, what makes you think it would be a piece of cake for you ?


        1. You spend the first two years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend
        the next sixteen telling them to sit down and shut up.

        2. Grandchildren are God’s reward for not killing your own children.

        3. Mothers of teens now know why some animals eat their young.

        4. Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn’t have said.

        5. The main purpose of holding children’s parties
        is to remind yourself that there are children more awful than your own.

        6. We childproofed our homes, but they are still getting in.


        Be nice to your kids.
        They will choose your
        nursing home one day.

        AND FINALLY:


        twindragonsmum 😆



          Hehe! 😆


            I’m 28, and pregnant with my 1st. I was told from a fairly young age that there was a good change I’d have trouble concieving, but oh, no, hubby had to prove something, and we got pregnant after only 2 months of trying. According to the Ultrasound tech, my baby’s a boy, who we’ll be calling Tristen. He’s due June 30th, and at the moment, all is going well. He finally started moving so that I could feel him last week, and I can’t say how happy I am! 😀

            Keeper of the Fledgings


              azurielle wrote:

              I’m 28, and pregnant with my 1st. I was told from a fairly young age that there was a good change I’d have trouble concieving, but oh, no, hubby had to prove something, and we got pregnant after only 2 months of trying. According to the Ultrasound tech, my baby’s a boy, who we’ll be calling Tristen. He’s due June 30th, and at the moment, all is going well. He finally started moving so that I could feel him last week, and I can’t say how happy I am! 😀

              That’s so exciting! Congratulations!


              Hubby and I have 2 kiddos. Noah, 6, was a complete suprise. we were living in AZ at the time, and on vacation in NH. There was a snow storm…flight was cancelled…not much to do….Noah is everything anyone could ask for in a son. He is kind, loving, sensative, loves/hates his sister and still likes cuddling up with us. He is amazing with legos and I wouldn’t be suprised if he goes into engineering as an adult.

              Natalie we tried for and found out about the day between our birthdays(hubby’s on April 3 & I’m the 5th). She was the BEST baby! She was the hardest toddler and I can’t beleive she has survived to 4. She is the child that scales the fridge while it’s shut, right up the handles on the front 🙄 . But, she is the light of our lives, all manipulating 37 pounds of her.

              I never thought I wanted kids and was one of those whose friends and parents couldn’t see w/ kids. I’m so thankful and greatful that we ‘suprised’ ourselves with Noah or we never would have had kids. My kids fill a place in me I never knew existed. I could go on and on about them, and about how proud I am of myself that they are good kids.

              About potty training Pegasi. I tried off and on with Noah for a while. finally, after he turned 4 he was just ready. I bribed him with a dog. I think you just really have to wait until your son is ready. Try to keep him totally dry for a week(frequent and immediate diaper changes) and he will start to like feeling dry. Then go and get some cool underpants, whatever he is into, spiderman, blues clues, spongebob, etc….When he is wearing them, everytime he sits on the potty give him a jelly bean. if he makes something in the potty, give him 2. Also, don’t be surpised if you start having a problem with diaper rash when you are going between diapers and undies. The skin on the tushy will become senative to urine & poop the less time in diapers. Most importantly, don’t push it. It will happen when he is ready and not before. If it’s causing you or he stress, stop and wait another week or 2 before trying again. I haven’t ever seen a 6 year old in diapers, so don’t lose heart, it will happen!


                That is too cool! I remember that feeling and thinking “OMG! this is for real!” after the boys were born some idiot asked me how old they were when they first started fighting with each other… 🙄 and they didn’t believe me when I said it started before they were born. We’ve got some doozy ultrasound tape of Ethan kicking Sean in the head and Sean slugging back with both fists! The ultrasound tech actually ran out into the hall and grabbed who ever was out there saying “You gotta come and see this!”

                twindragonsmum 😀



                  My husband has a daughter from a previous relationship. Megan is 15 and a real sweetheart. She is starting to collect Windstones (because she sees mine and wants them – and I buy them for her). 😀 She lives over 300 miles away, so we only see her a couple times a year, but we email sometimes.

                  She also has an older brother, Michael, that is not my husband’s, but whom my husband thinks of like a son. So, I call him my step-stepson. He’s 21.

                  We were going to wait until we were financially stable to have children. It’s never happened, and I feel too old to have any now. Personally, I think you need to just go ahead and have the kids and MAKE the finances work.


                    I like hearing about everyone’s children! 😀


                      No kids for me yet, but I’m only 22! One day I want to have two or three, but as neither of my sisters want kids at all, my parents are pinning all their hopes of grandchildren on me, and probably hope I have more than that 😆

                      My sisters seem convinced that children “ruin your life”. Apparently traveling, having expensive houses/cars and being able to party every night is far more important than having a child. I don’t think that way, because when all is said and done and you’re 80 years old and in a nursing home the fancy cars and trips you barely remember won’t mean all that much. Still, their choice…and if they feel that way it’s probably best that they don’t have kids. I just wish the pressure wasn’t on me to find a man and start a family right this instant 😯


                      azurielle wrote:

                      I’m 28, and pregnant with my 1st. I was told from a fairly young age that there was a good change I’d have trouble concieving, but oh, no, hubby had to prove something, and we got pregnant after only 2 months of trying. According to the Ultrasound tech, my baby’s a boy, who we’ll be calling Tristen. He’s due June 30th, and at the moment, all is going well. He finally started moving so that I could feel him last week, and I can’t say how happy I am! 😀


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