
Babies and Older Humanoid children

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      Awww but you did so well with the first one! 😆 Just kidding. I am the same. I feel like I was so blessed with Justin that my second could only be a terror.


        Hubby and I have two; boy twins. Ethan Ian and Sean Colin. We worked good and hard for 10 years (lots of time, doctors, surgeries, money….) and were lucky to get 2 at once. They were our one and only pregnancy. We started the pregnancy with 4 babies (just watch that on an ultrasound!) 4 little heart beats, 4 little wigglers. Unfortunately we miscarried 2 very early on but managed to hang on to the boys. I was considered a high risk premium pregnancy because I was over 30 and this was our only pregnancy. Started premature laber at 19 weeks. Was put on turbutline (nasty stuff) and was in and out of the hospital and on bed rest. Roddy was laid off from his job the day after we had the ultrasound that showed we were having 4 babies. He finally found work in Utah (we lived in Washington at the time) He left for the new job in June. We saw each other once before he came home to help move. We arrived in Utah at the end of October and the boys were born 3 weeks into Novemember. They’re due date was Christmas Eve. We were so lucky that they didn’t spend any time in the NICU. They weighed 5 lbs. 12 oz. each; pretty good sized for preemies! Now they are 12 years old and sharp as tacks! They had a huge vocabulary very early on as they really only had adults to converse with. We’d gone to a family reunion when they were 2, and Ethan had his fingers up his nose (you know how kids are… 🙄 ) Rod (hubby) hollered at him from across the way, and I quote, “Ethan! Remove your digits from your facial orifice instantaneously!” Ethan whipped his finger out of his nose and went back to playing 😯 We love them dearly! They really are our 10 year miracle. They were our last shot at conceiving and we were very blessed (sorry if that term offends anyone) We don’t know what we would do without them. Rod and I were 32 when they were born, which is why we sometimes comment that we are “old, first time parents”. And seriously, there are days when we look at each other and say over and over, “we did this on purpose, we did this on purpose…” Rod says he now knows why God sends children to couples when they are young…. it’s because they’re young and stupid and don’t have a clue as to what they are in for! That’s when I smack him… 😀 Ethan and Sean are good kids, though they still are boys…. but they know how to set a table properly, clean the kitchen, do dishes by hand, spotlessly clean a bathroom, vacuum, dust and help with window washing. They also can cut a lawn so it looks like velvet, pull weeds without pulling up the plants, play piano, are excellent at soccer and have long legs for cross country track. They also take care of their animals and all this with very little nagging on my part. They are also big pranksters like their dad, and I as the only female in the house am at the receiving end of a lot of practicle jokes. Good thing bugs, snakes, frogs and creepy crawlies of all sorts don’t freak me out! I guess God rewarded us for my patience by sending us such good kids! Just as a side note, don’t EVER pray for patience. If you do, God will make you wait for ten years before he sends you kids and once you’ve learned that sort of patience, you have to learn a whole other sort, because God will send you more than one child at a time! 😆 😆 😆

        twindragonsmum 😀



          Hehe! Great story, twindragonsmum. I’m guessing that’s where your name comes from? 🙂


            Yes! Now if I could just figure out avatars and something that would reflect that….. 🙄 😆 😆 😆

            twindragonsmum 😀



              twindragonsmum wrote:

              They weighed 5 lbs. 12 oz. each; pretty good sized for preemies!

              OMG! Your preemie twins weighed more than my full term son. Gavin only weighed 4 lbs. 14 oz. when he was born.


                I serously was big as a house! It’s a good thing I’m almost 6 feet tall or I’d’a looked like a dirgible! 😆 😆

                twindragonsmum 😀



                WOW! They sound like good kids, TDM. When I decide to have kids (if I ever do) maybe I’ll be lucky to have twins that way I can’t get them out all at once and not have to go through pregnancy twice. That will make my husband happy considering how many kids he wants.

                My most wanted list: Peacock kitty wizard, carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


                  twindragonsmum wrote:

                  Yes! Now if I could just figure out avatars and something that would reflect that….. 🙄 😆 😆 😆

                  twindragonsmum 😀

                  How about something like this?


                  That’s a good one stephanie. There ya go TDM!

                  My most wanted list: Peacock kitty wizard, carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


                  No microhumans for me. I have absolutely no interest in kids other then to spoil my niece and numerous nephews. Never really did. My husband and I figure if we ever decide we want children, we will adopt.

                  It’s hard to have kids when you are female and in the military. Plus, when you’re an officer, it’s almost like being a babysitter 24 hours a day seven days a week. You’ve got so many 18-19 year olds who are out from home for the first time ever and they don’t all make good decisions. That leaves you and the senior non-comm to clean up the messes.


                    One more thing to add that I thought was interesting….I was born in the year of the dragon; I’m a Gemini, sign of the Twins; and I have twins who are bigger dragon fanatics than I am 😀

                    twindragonsmum 😀



                      Your kids clean? Send them to me. 😉


                      Hey, TDM…I had Alex at 31, and Karli at 36, so while mine are younger than yours, I’m with you on being older when hatching out young. LOL!

                      Both were planned as well, though I had no problems with conceiving. I have gone through all the heartbreak and saddeness involved with all that through the trials of my friends Marc and Kim, and the efforts of my brother and his wife. Marc and Kim now have a beautiful little girl, but my brother and his wife will never be able to have any children together, they tried twice, but can not afford any more attempts.

                      They are considering surrogate, but that has it’s own problems, and they won’t be able to use her eggs at all, they just aren’t viable. Worst thing, her 3 sisters are all fertile myrtles, one has 4, the second is having her 3rd next month, and the youngest has had two, both accidental. It’s very hard for her to watch everyone else having babies when she can’t, but she still babysits, and throws the baby showers…really amazing that she doesn’t get bitter and hostile about it.

                      When I was expecting Alex and time came for the baby shower, Kim had just miscarried for the 3rd time, she couldn’t handle coming. I couldn’t imagine going through all that, she lost 5 before succeeding, and had to take progesterone shots daily or she would have lost Autumn too. She could get pregnant, but not stay that way without the progesterone, her body didn’t make enough on its own to sustain the pregnancy, took the docs a while to figure that out.

                      Anyway, enough rambling.



                        Unfortunately, they had to learn at a very young age….I’ve over 50 surgeries since they were born and so we caught ’em young to start ‘helping’. When they were about 14 months old, I made signs with pictures and big letters on them and taped them to everything. For example, they loved to play in the laundry baskets and dishwasher. So I found pix in mags and catalogues and labeled everthing in the house, especially drawers. Dresser drawers had signs like this… top drawer was for socks and underwear so I found pix of socks and underwear, pasted them to the sign, wrote in capital letters SOCKS, UNDERWEAR. Did the same for shirt and pants drawers and jammie drawers. Then when I folded clothes, I’d hand them a small stack of shirts or socks and ask them to put them in the drawer with the pic that looked like what they were holding. I didn’t care if the items got unfolded on the way to the bedroom as long as they got put in the right drawer everything was good. Did the same thing for the siverware drawer, pots and pans cupboards and plastic dishes. Didn’t matter if the silverware didn’t get put in the right slot in the drawer all I wanted was for them to get it in the drawer and they had a ball doing it!. Sean was and is a picky neatnik. We had a small Dust Buster and he would spend hours vacuuming the Photobucketstairs. Ethan loved water and dusters so he got to wipe tables, window sills, spills on floors, etc. At that age nothing they did was perfect and I didn’t expect it to be. I just wanted them to get used to the idea of picking things up and putting stuff away. The fact that we started before they were 2 years old I think was a big help, because they were at that age when they wanted to be in everything anyway, so with a little guidance it seemed to work. The other thing was, I NEVER went back and redid what they had done until after they were asleep and sometimes not even then. We just lived with a bit of disorganization, but it taught them how to help and be cheerful about it 😀

                        twindragonsmum 😀



                          Kyrin wrote:

                          Hey, TDM…I had Alex at 31, and Karli at 36, so while mine are younger than yours, I’m with you on being older when hatching out young. LOL!

                          Both were planned as well, though I had no problems with conceiving. I have gone through all the heartbreak and saddeness involved with all that through the trials of my friends Marc and Kim, and the efforts of my brother and his wife. Marc and Kim now have a beautiful little girl, but my brother and his wife will never be able to have any children together, they tried twice, but can not afford any more attempts.

                          They are considering surrogate, but that has it’s own problems, and they won’t be able to use her eggs at all, they just aren’t viable. Worst thing, her 3 sisters are all fertile myrtles, one has 4, the second is having her 3rd next month, and the youngest has had two, both accidental. It’s very hard for her to watch everyone else having babies when she can’t, but she still babysits, and throws the baby showers…really amazing that she doesn’t get bitter and hostile about it.

                          When I was expecting Alex and time came for the baby shower, Kim had just miscarried for the 3rd time, she couldn’t handle coming. I couldn’t imagine going through all that, she lost 5 before succeeding, and had to take progesterone shots daily or she would have lost Autumn too. She could get pregnant, but not stay that way without the progesterone, her body didn’t make enough on its own to sustain the pregnancy, took the docs a while to figure that out.

                          Anyway, enough rambling.


                          Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, don’t want to do it again! The hard part of course is that you want to be happy and supportive of your friends and relatives that are having cute babies to their hearts content and you feel stuck on the side lines. I’m the oldest of six children and my kids are the youngest grandkids in the family! 😀 It starts getting really weird when the kids you babysat as a young teenager have children that are older that yours!

                          Surrogacy is a really tough decision…. we had friends that went that route and in the end the surrogate kept the baby. Adoption was the same way. Washington state laws at the time heavily favored the birth parents. If you had 10 babies that were placed for adoption, at the end of 6 months 3 children would be placed back with the birthparents. At the end of 12 months, 4 more children would go back to the birthfamily and at the end of 5 years 2 children would be given back to the birth family leaving one child out of every 10 that was adopted being left with the adoptive family. We just couldn’t face that….. if we hadn’t gotten lucky on our last chance of conception we would’ve remained childless…

                          It is very hard to not be upset or bitter over everyone elses ‘good luck’ but you still want to be kept in the loop. I always hated it worst when we were the last in the family to know that someone was once again pregnant. They didn’t want to tell us for fear of making us unhappy…. go figure!

                          If your brother & his wife need someone to talk to or just listen, please feel free to give ’em my email address. PM me for it. I wish them all the best in the world!!!!!!


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