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    congrats on the ribbon! and wow… thats some crazy workload!


    I am so glad that he chose one of your paintings for the ribbon! That is an awesome experience, and you deserved it! I am so glad you had fun!! Please post a picture of the painting!


      Thanks! You can see the ribbon winning artwork at the bottom of this thread, the Bufflehead:

      My Wisteria Gryphon also won a ribbon:

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        Love them both!! 😀


        Congratulations! I’m so glad you had a good time at the convention and that other people recognize how talented you are!


        Both are wonderful works with vibrant color! Congratulations again!!!

        P.S. Have you painted any centaurs in the past? If so, would you offer a print up for sale? Just curious, but I want to buy a print for a friend who loves centaurs.


          eaglefeather831 wrote:

          Both are wonderful works with vibrant color! Congratulations again!!!

          P.S. Have you painted any centaurs in the past? If so, would you offer a print up for sale? Just curious, but I want to buy a print for a friend who loves centaurs.

          I have only ever painted one centaur, in a group with other critters:

          I don’t have any real plans to paint more in the near future; humans are one of my weak points!

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


            Goodness! You certainly have a busy schedule! Just please take care of yourself… I’d hate for you to get sick from being overloaded with work… ‘tho I know that’s your ‘job’ but I still worry about you! Congrats on such a successful Con 😀

            twindragonsmum 😀



            ummmmmm…. did you sell either of the two griffin watercolor originals you did recently? 😳 i’m very much in love with them 😀


            Jennifer wrote:

            eaglefeather831 wrote:

            Both are wonderful works with vibrant color! Congratulations again!!!

            P.S. Have you painted any centaurs in the past? If so, would you offer a print up for sale? Just curious, but I want to buy a print for a friend who loves centaurs.

            I have only ever painted one centaur, in a group with other critters:

            I don’t have any real plans to paint more in the near future; humans are one of my weak points!

            I love that painting, but unfortunately, I don’t think that centaur will live up to her expectations. I will browse your other paintings soon to possibly get one for my friend.

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