Avatar help

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    I need to get working on my new siggie eventually. Maybe if I get a weekend that actually qualifies as a weekend….


      OK, I’m an idiot. Felt like playing with my avatar like others here, so I deleted my old one, and can’t make it accept a new one! It’s 80 x 62, so it should be plenty small enough I think. It’s hosted by Photobucket like the old one. I don’t remember how I got the old one loaded, it was the old forum. I’m not compter literate, so I must have copied and pasted it. I’m trying to do that now and it won’t let me, not on any of the bars there. Here’s the pic.


        It may need to be perfectly square for the image to “take”. Try cropping it square.

        I’m an absolute Photoshop FREAK. If anyone ever needs help, or just needs something done, most of the time I’ll just do it for free for the fun of it, seriously.


          chrisherself wrote:

          It may need to be perfectly square for the image to “take”. Try cropping it square.

          Avatars don’t have to be square since there is a section you can input the dimensions.

          Go to the User Control Panel (link under Board Index on every page).
          Click Profile.
          Click Edit Avatar.
          Copy http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v689/pipsxlch/booger-1-1.jpg to Link off-site:
          Change Avatar Dimensions to 80×62.
          Hit Submit.

          Other option is to save the file to computer desktop (to make it easy to find).
          Click Profile.
          Click Edit Avatar.
          Click the browse button next to Upload from your machine:
          Go to where the file is and choose it.
          Change Avatar Dimensions to 80×62.
          Hit Submit.

          chrisherself wrote:

          I’m an absolute Photoshop FREAK. If anyone ever needs help, or just needs something done, most of the time I’ll just do it for free for the fun of it, seriously.

          That’s how I am…free for the fun of it because it let’s me play with my old newspaper design skills (on a much smaller scale of course).


            Let’s make that much simpler.

            1. Save picture to your computer
            2. Go to profile and Browse… for it
            3. Submit.

            You only have to specify dimensions in really weird (stupid) scenarios.

            BTW I already did it for you.


              Thank you Snap! (and Chris and Pegasi)
              I think perhaps with the explanation I see what i did wrong; I was copying the IMG address part not the http one.
              now I can enjoy my fishie for awhile 😀

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