
Autumn Leaf question….

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      Purpledoggy, can I hire you to squeak for some old green with me? You have a talent!


        My squeaker is reserved for ema pea old warriors right now but as soon as Melody brings them out I will be free. SqUeAk Emerald Peacock Old Warriors SqUeAk!!!!!


        Wait! Keep squeaking for AL!


        dragonessjade Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:37 pm Post subject:


        Autumn leaf curlie or young dragon.
        AL curlie would be so great… probably not gonna happen? πŸ™ What are the chances that black em pea will be done in production? (Like a scratcher!)


          Old Green SK!!
          Oh that is my first squeek!!


          Excuse me! Stay on subject! No squeak for any other color than Autumn Leaf here! 😈 😈

          Squeak, Squeak!


            πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


            Ettevy’s asking for a production lab griffin too? 😯 Poor Nam!


              Old Green OW!!!!! Autumn leaf fledgie and lap!! There’s my ultimate want list! Oh, Secret Keeper…any color, just so I had one although autumn leaf is gorgeous on her….


                But this is us we never stay on topic???


                  You poor old green beggars. She barely had enough paint left to make some fledgies… I dont think there is enough left to cover an SK. That would take gallons. One OW, maybe… but thats probably about it.


                    I thought we already determined we are all NEEDY!!!


                    πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜€ 😈 Autumn Leaf! Squeek!! (A girl can dream about the Lab Griffin)!


                      Greater Basilisk wrote:

                      Ettevy’s asking for a production lab griffin too? 😯 Poor Nam!

                      We’re considering this, instead of making them limited edition, making them limited production. These will never, never ever never ever ever never be regular production- they’d have to clone 3 of me and sell them for more than anyone would pay in order to recoup production costs! πŸ˜†
                      Even IF they are limited production, I doubt I could make more than 3-5 a YEAR, so they will always be rare. And they will never be identical. Even if I paint them for another 5 years, I doubt there’ll be more than 15 of them. They’d have to lock me up in an asylum!

                      This is still in discussion and definitely not a for sure thing. Don’t yell at us if we change our minds! πŸ˜‰

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                      My art: featherdust.com



                      We don’t want you in a padded room! But the only way I’ll ever get a Lab is if it were in production… πŸ™ All I can do is dream so understand the following…

                      Production Labs and Autumn Leaf!!! Bawwahhhh! 😈 😈 Squeak!! Squeak!! Must have!! 😈 😈


                        Poor Nam!!! Don’t let us drive you to the funny farm!!! πŸ˜†

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