Autumn Leaf Curled Dragons in store 2-25-10

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    I want lap dragons to be made in autumn leaf. Guess they would look gorgeous in these colours… 🙂


      MetalDragoness wrote:

      I want lap dragons to be made in autumn leaf. Guess they would look gorgeous in these colours… 🙂

      Indeed! Could you imagine an OW done in that color – or a spectral ? *gasp*
      If Autumn Leaf is done in the other dragons I’m going to be in trouble 🙄 .


      I`ve seen the OW in autumn leaf and it looks really beautiful. Would be cool if it could be available from the Windstone store… Spectrals would probably look great in autumn leaf as well 😀


      The bad part is, that those you have seen are a Limited Edition, and not a Limited Production. Perhaps since everyone has been squeaking for AL things, Melody is trying to devise a new way so she can make a Limited Production run of AL for everyone. So, in short, she won’t make any that look like the ones sold on Ebay that are around. But, if they look like these Curlies, then yep, there will be a frenzy I am sure. 😈
      *Still wonders how the OW’s are coming along on growing their horns…*


      How many LE Autumn leaf old warriors were made? I guess they would look stunning painted the same way as the curlies as well..


        MetalDragoness wrote:

        How many LE Autumn leaf old warriors were made? I guess they would look stunning painted the same way as the curlies as well..

        There are nine of one set that I know of They are ALRLOWs and they are prototype.No regular production OWs.{one is my Avatar}
        Please correct me if I am wrong anyone.Were there 1 or 2 ALOW protos?I want to know this myself 🙂
        ALRLOW means AutumnLeaf RedLavender Old Warrior for anyone that doesn’t know the abbreviations 🙂
        I really want a AL in the Coiled Mother w/egg 🙂 She would be my “Firelizard” to my big dragon,perfect sizing 8)

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male day🤞Dream on.


        I don’t know how many were done of the ORIGINAL AL OW’s. There are a few branches in the AL OW’s tree…Because there were different forms of it done. Like the Red Lavender. 😀 I would have to say, there are a few people here who would know the answer…Pegasi is probably the main one. Otherwise you can check the Ravenheart Database located here…It can give you the most advice on how many and what types of sculpts you are looking for. 😉


          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          I don’t know how many were done of the ORIGINAL AL OW’s. There are a few branches in the AL OW’s tree…Because there were different forms of it done. Like the Red Lavender. 😀 I would have to say, there are a few people here who would know the answer…Pegasi is probably the main one. Otherwise you can check the Ravenheart Database located here…It can give you the most advice on how many and what types of sculpts you are looking for. 😉

          Yep,but the last time I checked there,it only had the #1 ALOW showing.Have to check again.Thanks you 😀

          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
          (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
          Male day🤞Dream on.


            bodine6127 wrote:

            WindstoneCollector wrote:

            I don’t know how many were done of the ORIGINAL AL OW’s. There are a few branches in the AL OW’s tree…Because there were different forms of it done. Like the Red Lavender. 😀 I would have to say, there are a few people here who would know the answer…Pegasi is probably the main one. Otherwise you can check the Ravenheart Database located here…It can give you the most advice on how many and what types of sculpts you are looking for. 😉

            Yep,but the last time I checked there,it only had the #1 ALOW showing.Have to check again.Thanks you 😀

            That’s because there was only one autumn leaf old warrior. The others, like you said, were red & lavender autumn leaf.


            Nothing beats the original though! 😀


              WindstoneCollector wrote:

              Nothing beats the original though! 😀

              I do most def love mine but as you said,the first one is still the best,in my opinion. 🙂

              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
              Male day🤞Dream on.


                LEALRLOW -…………

                hmm, reminds me of the sound my cats make before they hurl up a hairball HAHAHAHA!!
                That’s a mouth full!! And I will remember what it stands for only as long as I can see what it stands for. Bad memory!

                (saying to myself – limited edition Autumn Leaf Red Lavender Old Warrior)………… phew!

                🙂 I noticed the ALCurlies (see, I am learning?) are SOLD OUT! No kidding – they are beauties!

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