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    Dragon Master wrote:

    it’s the increase on the Emperor’s that hurt the most at least for me. they just got raised to $300 a year a go and now they are $350. It’s difficult to rationlize it when that is now more then my 2nd mortgage. the others I can swallow and go with but $700 plus tax for 2 dragons is getting tight.
    Too bad we couldn’t all picth in and buy you a wharehouse so you NEVER have to pay rent again!!!

    YOu can send them to me Melody…I will watch them CAREFULLY. Partic the test paints…they take up soooo much room. 🙂

    And dude…slightly off topic and NONE of my business. But please people don’t lose your house or your car because of these. Yes they are wonderful and amazing, and yes its very easy to get wrappped up in HAVING THEM ALL. But don’t make your life uncomfortable for something you can always buy later in life. I worry about doing that myself sometimes. I never want to be in a situation where my morage is late because I bought a windstone.
    They look terrible in cardboard box homes. 😉


      whippetluv wrote:

      Dragon Master wrote:

      YOu can send them to me Melody…I will watch them CAREFULLY. Partic the test paints…they take up soooo much room. 🙂

      And dude…slightly off topic and NONE of my business. But please people don’t lose your house or your car because of these. Yes they are wonderful and amazing, and yes its very easy to get wrappped up in HAVING THEM ALL. But don’t make your life uncomfortable for something you can always buy later in life. I worry about doing that myself sometimes. I never want to be in a situation where my morage is late because I bought a windstone.
      They look terrible in cardboard box homes. 😉

      I do not think you are EVER off topic talking about this subject. All I need is a little rain for OT and I’ll be OK. I have also learned that my tax returns will not be as high as I was told they will be. But as Whippett said DO NOT EVER put your house, car, property taxes or anything THAT important behind getting some Windstones. We all LOVE Melody’s work but what good will that do anyone if we all buy them to keep in our cardboard box under the freeway overpass. and get ruined in the wheather


        Chessapeaka wrote:

        Thanks for not ditching us! 😆

        😯 We would never! 🙂


          too bad you can’t have separate special pricing for the hard core collectors like us


            Quantity discounts.


              I guess you could call it that


              I have a pretty large quantity! 😉 😆


              Rent is cheaper in Memphis and thank to the FedEx hub there is lots of warehousing! 😀 😀 😀 Looking very innocent… 😀 😀 😀


              I didn’t think this was worth a new thread, but I wanted to point out that Grandio’s prices haven’t increased. They’ve put down the new retail prices in gray, but the old price – for example $73 for a gold Young – are in red as the regular sale price. Do you think this is just for the transition period?


                I noticed that, too. I guess they will have to raise them in accordance with their contract, so it’s probably temporary. (?) Nice that they are holding the prices down for as long as possible. Get ’em while they’re hot kids! 😀


                Yeah… I need a break in spending, though! 😆 No peace for the wicked. 😛


                  You and me, both! I was soooo happy to hear that the new griffs will be regular production.


                  Yep. I’m reserving money I haven’t earned yet for them. 😀


                  Greater Basilisk where do you buy all your dragons from since you are far away from the states like me. Do you have local shops or do you buy from the Internet?
                  If you buy large pieces from the states how often do you get them in one piece?

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