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  • #542099

      I just got this info from Grandio, so if you are looking to buy regular production pieces, buy NOW!!

      Dear Julia,
      Windstone Edition just annouced a price increase. We will hold our prices until Sunday if we can. We will then need to raise our prices. Example of the price increase Emperor Dragon in black gold is $299 until the end of week. The price next week will be $344.85



        Where is this Grandio I keep hearing about?


          Watergazer wrote:

          Where is this Grandio I keep hearing about?


          wow just bought some stuff today! yippee!


            Thanks for the “heads up”!


            Ouch! That’s not good. Oh dear… 🙁


              My thoughts exactly… 😕 You’re welcome, Lam… 🙂


              I so hope the prices on the gargoyles don’t go up. The shipping already costs me a fledgling for every piece. 🙁


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              I so hope the prices on the gargoyles don’t go up. The shipping already costs me a fledgling for every piece. 🙁

              Gotta love the way you put that!


              😛 When with Windstoners, think in Windstones.


              Everything is going up in price, so expect a price increase everywhere.


                vantid wrote:

                Everything is going up in price, so expect a price increase everywhere.

                hmm….even on the dragon spirits in a can?

                darn it…


                  Im glad I just went on a spending spree 😆


                  Me too Ski. I have everything I really want right now. The only thing I will ever want coming up are PYOs and the two pearl gryphon chicks when they come out. Other than that…I have actually gotten all the windstones I set out to buy for now. I really am not a fan of getting one mold in more than one color, and I think I have all the molds except the old family. And while I want that set, I am not in a hurry for them…since they are everywhere.

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