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      Hey guys….this orange tabby is up for adoption. I was wondering if you think he will have medium to long fur as an adult like my Raven. He’s currently 4 months old. And comes from a feral female cat that had a litter and is pregnant again.
      This is what he looked like as a kitten

      and this is now

      This is his short haired brother:

      This is another kitty I am concidering that is not from the same place. If only they would return my calls. I think they are gone on vacation or something:



          Anybody? 😕


            Unfortunately, I’m not a cat expert. They’re both cute kitties and since he has a brother who is short haired there is a possibility he could be short haired when he gets older. But his picture makes me think his fur could be longer. Did you want the kitty to be long or short haired? Sorry, I’m not much help.


            Both kitties (except for the short haired brother) will be medium haired cats. I’d bet on it. Although the grey one will be more a long haired cat, the orange one will be a medium haired cat. 🙂 Good luck with looking for another kitty!


              They’re both adorable. I have to agree with Dragon87.


                I’d bet medium hair; and while both are darling, the orange tabby looks like a little lover!

                twindragonsmum 😀



                  They are both beautiful, but I love the orange tabby:) We rescued a mama cat and her 4 kittens in ’08. My sister’s friend adopted one. Fuzz/Pumba a as a kitten:

                  And as an adult:

                  Maybe your potential kitty will turn out in a similar fashion. Love the fluffy tail! 😀


                    Ok, I think the orange tabby will be medium hair. The little gray looks like it’s going to have very long soft fur. Like an angora I believe, lots of undercoat. My Kayla looked like that as a baby and has that type fur. But ya never know. :shrug: 😉


                      Aw, I want all of them!! 😀 My furball looked like he would have short hair when he was a kitten, now it’s medium long…


                        Awww – KITTIES! I couldn’t choose – except all of them. ( I know that is totally useless)
                        But if it’s any help, all of orange kitties I have had in the past have been very lovey-dovey 🙂 .


                        Blackdesertwind, I’m certain that that first orange kitten will be medium-haired, or possibly a little longer than that. Looking at that tail, and those tufts in front of his ears, he’s going to have some length to his coat: no shorthair, him. Exactly how long his fur will be, though, I couldn’t say. He looks like quite a character! 🙂


                          Oh that first photo of the orange kitty is absolutely beautiful!! If they could only remain kittens forever LOL I think if you keep the a/c turned up really high and have severe winters, you may force it to grow longer hair lol…….sorry no help! And the grey kitty is beautiful too; I think the grey may have longer hair in the end, but both will provide perfect hairballs galore, either way (if that’s what you are getting at) hahaha 🙂


                            SQUEEEE!!! HES SO CUTE!!!!!!

                            *ehem* Sorry, had to get that out of the way 🙂 Your new kitten picture looks like Dewey the Library cat!


                            I cant figure out how to post pictures off google images anymore.

                            But your potential new grey kitty is so adorable 🙂 I love the spots she has. Its not often you see spotted cats. Maybe shes part Bengal.

                            I dont know if its a concern or potential problem, but kitties with pink noses tend to have pink paw-pads, and they are more suseptible to sunburn than dark nosed/paw’ed kitties. So if he is going to live outside, make sure he has some shade. (My mother’s house has NONE. Its a new neighborhood and all the trees are shorter than me. Ugh.) So I thought I’d mention.

                            A question for you BDW-Are your boy orange cats snooty? Do they think they’re hot stuff? Ive only ever known 2 boy orange cats in real life and 1 was seriously schitzophrenic and the other one, my dear Sunshine is a total punk! He thinks hes great, but his sister whoops up on him daily. lol


                              Thanks all….the orange tabby got addopted by someone else unfortunately and the brown tabby one I haven’t herd from the person that has him.
                              So I’ll keep on looking.
                              I want a long to medium hair indoor male kitten. I prefer brown tabby but will concider orange tabby.
                              The search continues :scratch:

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