New ones, and one old one…..Just got a new camera and it took a better pic of the green one. I’m still learning how to use it….

This guy has an airbrushed basecoat. He also has antique copper on his crest, belly and sides. I also used violet interference. I really like his belly and tale, they look really marbled with copper and purple…

This one is done in a black base coat, then I used the copper leaf sheets that had varigated colors in it. After I messed around with the leaf, I tried antiquing in copper, but it didn’t show up. At this point I hated the PYO and was going to scape it and start over. I’m so glad I didn’t. I gave it one last chance and antiqued in umber and voila! I love it! Because of the varigated colors, you will see gold, copper, orange, purple….He is so pretty in real life!
Here is the green one that didn’t sell on Ebay. I’m still playing with the camera trying to get his true colors to photo properly. This is one of my favorites and I really wish i could get his colors to show up the way he looks in real life….