ARRG! (resplendant griffin woes)

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      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      dragonessjade wrote:

      Phil and Olympia are cool. I think I like Phil better tho. I would just like 1 SK to put in my collection. Or a OOAK OW.

      Phil is really awesome…I almost didn’t let Louis buy him back from me LoL I payed Windstone, and he had to pay me back because he was a few dollars short to write them a check. 😈 It totaly matches his tattoo “Phil” I’ll try and post pics at some point

      that’s such a cool rock dragon…


        frozendragon wrote:

        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

        …..My CC is still crying….She’s actualy much more spectacular in person, very bright and vibrant, I didn’t really have good light when I took those pictures.

        I’ve payed a pretty penny for a few of my pieces, and dragoness, had my work comp not been a total (#*^%)(*@&)$!@*^%)#(*& you would be crying LoL.

        Maybe I’ll win a couple of the white SKs and have you throw in some cash with the Resplendant 😉 LoL

        I do hope you get a white SK…I wish you were here for the first one they put up….and if you buy more than one…you have to let me come visit…

        I’m hoping they put more up…I really want a white one…but I don’t want to pay that much since they are not numbered or anything…

        I was watching, didn’t have the funds at the time, and wanted to see what they would go for…


          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

          frozendragon wrote:

          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

          …..My CC is still crying….She’s actualy much more spectacular in person, very bright and vibrant, I didn’t really have good light when I took those pictures.

          I’ve payed a pretty penny for a few of my pieces, and dragoness, had my work comp not been a total (#*^%)(*@&)$!@*^%)#(*& you would be crying LoL.

          Maybe I’ll win a couple of the white SKs and have you throw in some cash with the Resplendant 😉 LoL

          I do hope you get a white SK…I wish you were here for the first one they put up….and if you buy more than one…you have to let me come visit…

          I’m hoping they put more up…I really want a white one…but I don’t want to pay that much since they are not numbered or anything…

          I was watching, didn’t have the funds at the time, and wanted to see what they would go for…

          the current one is already about the same price…with 2 days left…

          I have enough…but don’t want to spend that much….


            Anyone know how many they are putting up btw?


            I think they said 3…but I could be wrong.


            Yeah, that’s what Melody said before…but the listing says a couple…so its hard to say…


              Nirvanacat13 wrote:

              Ummm Ski? If they leave money….it wouldn’t be stealing?

              When you look at her though, there is almost something not quite right with the coloring, Mel saw it, and was just kind of “meh” but we thought it was so intoxicating. Well, Im not totally evil. I cannot think what could be off with the colors. They are incredible. I think “intoxicating” is the perfect word.


                skigod377 wrote:

                Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                Ummm Ski? If they leave money….it wouldn’t be stealing?

                When you look at her though, there is almost something not quite right with the coloring, Mel saw it, and was just kind of “meh” but we thought it was so intoxicating. Well, Im not totally evil. I cannot think what could be off with the colors. They are incredible. I think “intoxicating” is the perfect word.

                I don’t know, it’s weird and hard to explain….it’s just kind of off…like the Mona Lisa’s Smile….something is just not quite right, but I love it, maybe you have to view her in person to see the oddness. /shrug Oh well, you’ll just have to come over and see her when you get back to the states!


                  Or you can send her to me. Im getting my tax return soon… 😀


                    skigod377 wrote:

                    Or you can send her to me. Im getting my tax return soon… 😀

                    You’re cute. Bad Ski, no Rocky Road!


                      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                      skigod377 wrote:

                      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                      Ummm Ski? If they leave money….it wouldn’t be stealing?

                      When you look at her though, there is almost something not quite right with the coloring, Mel saw it, and was just kind of “meh” but we thought it was so intoxicating. Well, Im not totally evil. I cannot think what could be off with the colors. They are incredible. I think “intoxicating” is the perfect word.

                      I don’t know, it’s weird and hard to explain….it’s just kind of off…like the Mona Lisa’s Smile….something is just not quite right, but I love it, maybe you have to view her in person to see the oddness. /shrug Oh well, you’ll just have to come over and see her when you get back to the states!

                      The red around her lips is what kills me. It looks like one of those ladies that wears way too much makeup, like she’s trying too hard.

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                      My art:


                        ROFL That’s one way of putting it! It kind of makes me think of blood on the chops after a good meal on a fresh kill….but that’s just my sick twisted mind…. 😈


                        I know the mouth is what I noticed about it first. It looks like it is smiling.


                        The red mouth was the one thing I didn-t like about Olimpia – until I just read Nirvana-s excellent explanation for it…


                          Greater Basilisk wrote:

                          The red mouth was the one thing I didn-t like about Olimpia – until I just read Nirvana-s excellent explanation for it…

                          *snigger snigger* 😆

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